Part 12

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"Jimmy, you really don't need to walk me to my door, I'm gonna be fine." I said, as Jimmy walked next to me all the way up to my door. 

"No, its pretty late. I wouldnt want your boyfriend to get upset." Jimmy said in a tight voice. 

"Jimmy, please." I murmured. 

"I'm being nice. I'm not gonna eat him." Jimmy said. 

I unlocked the door and swung it open. 

Ryan was there in a second. 

"Where have you been?" He asked, his voice laced in anger. 

Jimmy opened the door wider and Ryan stepped back a bit. 

"I was working. Recording ran a little late. Ryan, this is my friend Jimmy, and he's also one of the guys in Avenged Sevenfold, the band I'm working with." I explained. 

Ryan's eyes zeroed in on Jimmy's hand that was on my waist. 

I shrugged a little and Jimmy got the idea. 

"Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea if I walked her to the door. Wouldn't want any psychos putting their hands on our Bella." Jimmy said. 

I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but Ryan couldn't. 

I guess thats a good thing. 

"Yeah, we wouldn't want that." Ryan said, stepping forward and pulling me to him. 

I could smell the alcohol on his breathe and I closed my eyes when he clutched my waist tightly. 

"Yeah, I just don't know what I'd do if anyone ever hurt Bella and I found out about it. I mean, I've been in jail a few times. I picked up some stuff along the way. Maybe I could try it out on anyone who tries to hurt my best buddy, Bella." Jimmy said with an evil smile. 

Ryan's hand dropped from my waist and I tried not to laugh at Jimmy. 

He was actually scaring Ryan which is something I thought could never happen. 

"Okay, Jimmy. Well thanks for making sure I got home safely. You should get home too. I wouldn't wanted Leana to worry about you." I said, giving him a pointed look. 

"Trying to get rid of me already, best friend?" Jimmy said with a grin. 

I laughed a little and walked to Jimmy, leading him to the door. 

"Alright, time to go Jimbo." I said. 

"Make sure you let me know if anyone tries hurting my Bella, okay Ryan?" Jimmy yelled as I pushed him out the door. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Jimmy." I said with a smile. 

"Bye Bella." Jimmy cackled, giving me a bear hug. 

I laughed and closed the door. 

When I turned back to Ryan a sharp slap to my face brought me crashing against the door and to the floor. 

I looked up at Ryan and he loomed over me with an angry expression. 

I guess Anger Management failed again. 

It lasted a week and a half this time. 

Now the peace is over. 

"What the fuck are doing letting that guy put his hands all over you?!" Ryan yelled. 

"His hands weren't all over me. He just hugged me. We're friends." I said. 

"Excuse me?" Ryan said through gritted teeth. 

"We're frie---," I didn't get to finish my sentence before Ryan smacked me again. 

"He's your friend!? You don't need friends. I'm your friend. I'm the only one that cares about you Bella. That guy, he's just lying to you. Trying to make you vulnerable until you trust him. And you know what happens when you trust people, they take advantage. I'm not gonna let that happen. No one is ever gonna love you the way I do. They can't. The sooner you figure that out, the better." Ryan said. 

I looked down at the ground. 

"Get off the floor and fix your face. I don't want that guy to ever step a foot in my house again. Do you hear me?" Ryan asked. 

I didn't answer, I just stared at the floor. 

"I said, do you hear me?" Ryan growled, grabbing my face and making me look at him. 

"Yes, yes I hear you!" I cried as his fingers dug into my face. 

"Good." He said, letting me go and pushing me away. 

I wiped my tears quickly, standing up so I could fix my face before Ryan tried to hit me again. 

I walked to the bathroom and looked at me cheek. 

Ryan's hand print was clearly visible. 

How the hell was I supposed to hide this from Jimmy? 

Guess I'm getting all dolled up tomorrow. 

If Jimmy found out, he would come after Ryan, and I don't know what would happen. 

I don't need that on my conscious. 

This is my problem, not Jimmy's. 

I need to deal with it, not him. 

I was stupid for letting him get involved in the first place. 

This is my life. 

The sooner I accept that, the better off I'll be. 

At least that's what I keep telling myself.

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