Part 22

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Bella's POV

I rolled over in my sleep, smiling widely as I looked up and saw Matt sleeping in the chair right next to my bed. 

I watched his face for a few minutes. 

He looked so peaceful and calm. 

It's actually really relaxing. 

I continued to watch him, trying to figure out why my heart was fluttering a million miles a minute. 

I smiled widely as he stirred slightly and his head fell on to my bed, right next to me. 

I leaned in closer to him and took in his scent. 

He smells absolutely delicious. 

Just like a man should smell. 

I laid my cheek against the top of his head and smiled again. 

I like him. 

There's no way I can hide it. 

It's not like he makes it very hard. 

Matt's an amazing person. 

He's sweet, charming, extremely funny, protective, just an all around amazing guy. 

He's a man I can rely on. 

That's not something I could say a few months ago. 

A few months ago, the only person I could rely on was me. 

But it's different now.  

And I couldn't be happier. 

I couldn't have picked a better man to fall for. 

The only problem is, I know Matt doesn't feel the same way for me. 

He can't. 

I'm just your average girl. 

One that's been beat and brought down to the lowest levels in the last four years. 

I have zero self esteem and no one to call family. 

What would someone like Matt want with someone like me. 

I can tell you in two words. 

Absolutely nothing. 

I laid my lips lightly against Matt's head and gave him a soft kiss. 

But that's okay. 

I'd rather have Matt as a friend then nothing at all. 

Matt stirred again and I pulled my face away from his head. 

Matt sat up and looked at me, blinking quickly. 

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. 

"Yeah, you did." I said with a smile. 

"Sorry, I was supposed to be keeping you company. Not falling asleep." Matt said sheepishly. 

"I was sleeping too. And I know you're tired. You spend every waking moment here." I said guiltily. 

I looked down, staring at my bed sheets when I realized just how much the guys were sacrificing by being here with me. 

"Hey." Matt said softly. 

I didn't look up and after a moment he put his finger under my chin and lifted it slowly. 

My eyes met his beautiful hazel ones and I felt lost in them. 

"I'm here because I want to be. You're not forcing me to do anything I don't want to do. So don't you dare feel guilty." Matt said in a soft but stern voice. 

I continued looking at him and softly smiled. 

"Okay." I said softly. 

Matt grinned and his dimples started to show. 

I wanted to just reach out and touch them, but I know that would freak Matt out, so I clenched my fingers together to keep from moving. 

Matt must've noticed because he reached out and smoothed out my fingers. 

They instantly softened and I looked shyly up at him. 

"Matt?" I asked softly. 

He looked up at me and waited patiently for me to say something. 

I couldn't find the words to explain what I was trying to say so I was quiet for a few minutes. 

Matt waited patiently, not once saying a word as I tried to gather my thoughts. 

"Why are you here?" I asked. 

Matt's eyes scrunched up in confusion. 

"Do you not want me here?" He asked, his voice low . 

He sounded hurt and I could've punched myself. 

It came out totally wrong. 

I didn't want to make it seem like I didn't want him here. 

It's the complete opposite. 

"No!" I practically yelled. 

Matt actually looked startled by my outburst. 

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just wondering, why are you here? You're here a lot more then the rest of the guys. Even Jimmy." I told him. 

Matt looked down, his cheeks turning a little pink. 

"Do you honestly not know?" He asked, looking back up at me. 

I looked at him with a confused expression. 

I probably looked really stupid right now. 

"You're a good guy Matt. And I appreciate you being here to watch out for me and make sure that nothing happens to me. But you don't have to do this. It's unfair for you to be here for hours on end, just sitting here and watching me sleep. You don't deserve to have to sit here all day. You should be out. Hanging out with the guys and talking to girls." I said, the last words feeling like glass coming out of my mouth. 

Matt chuckled and I looked down. 

Matt pulled my face up to look at his and I noticed just how close his face was. 

Before I had a chance to even breath, his lips were against mine. 

My eyes widened behind closed lids as his soft lips pressed against mine gently. 

It was the sweetest and gentlest kiss I've ever received. 

And it was also the shortest. 

I opened my eyes again and Matt's face was just centimeters away from mine. 

"I'm here because I love you and I want to be with you." Matt said softly. 

I couldn't help but smile at his words. 

Not only because I knew they were true, no one could fake the amount of sincerity in his voice, but because I was deathly scared. 

Scared because I know Matt is a good man, and I know I don't deserve him. 

I opened my mouth to speak but Matt just kissed me again. 

"You don't have to say anything. I love you, and I'm glad I've finally grown the balls to say it to you. I'm not going anywhere. So get some rest, and we can talk some more when you wake up." Matt said softly. 

I nodded, in too much shock to really be able to speak. 

"You're not gonna leave right?" I whispered. 

Matt leaned closer and held my cheek softly. 

"Never." He whispered firmly, pressing his lips to my forehead. 

My eyes closed on their own as I relaxed. 

I knew he was telling the truth, and with that knowledge, I fell into a dreamless sleep, with Matt's hand firmly in mine.

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