New Teacher?

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Jack's POV

I slowly opened the door. I saw the principal.

She looked at me, so did everyone else in the class.

They all were quite. Wow they're really scared of the principal.

"Sean, please take a seat." I rolled my eyes at 'Sean'. My dad gave me that name and he fucking left me.

I nodded and made my way to my seat. She growled under her breath.

I smiled evilly.

I sat down next to my best friends, Felix and Marzia.

I heard Felix gasped. He was looking at my eye. I leaned back in my seat and looked at the principal.

"Ok students. I have some bad news. Mrs. Nelson has been fired." I heard boys groan.

"Damn, she was hot." Ken said out loud.

The principal cleared her throat. "Yes, we had a student complain about her."

She glared at me. I glared back. I felt eyes on me but I didn't care.

"So your new teacher is Mr. Fischbach. Come in."

As she said that, a young looking guy with red hair walked in.

I was hit with a smell. I good smell. It was blood. I can't drink fake blood. It's really hard to find good blood.

I usually go out every night and hunt but they still taste kinda bad.

I don't really like human blood but it's all I had.

I felt my fangs come out. I quickly covered my nose and tried to not smell it.

I felt them go back in. I sighed in relief.

I saw Mr. Fischbach looking at me. I heard him chuckle.

I scoffed.

Then principal spoke up. "He is even more strict than Mrs. Nelson."

I rolled my eye. The principal glared at me. "Is there a problem McLoughlin?" She asked through closed teeth.

I chuckled. "Nope." I popped the 'p'

She rolled her eyes. I saw her lean in to tell Mr. Fischbach something.

I used my good hearing to listen. "He's a trouble kid. I can't stand him."

I scoffed quietly and rolled my eyes.

I saw Mr. Fischbach look at me like he heard something.

I glared at him.

I got a weird vibe when he walked in. It's like he's one of me. But that can't be, can it?

I felt eyes on me. I heard Cartoonz or Luke chuckle.

That's Bryce's little friend. I hated him too.

I felt my fangs come out again. He was the one that bit me.

I wouldn't be in this hell if it wasn't for him.

I knew he was a vampire too. But does his friends know?

Mine don't. Whenever I'm around them, I get the urge to attack. I fight it but it's so tempting.

I didn't know I was spacing out until I heard my name being called.

"Sean! Pay attention to my class!"

I rolled my eyes. "Jackass." I mumbled under my breath.

He glared at me. "What did you say?" He asked through closed teeth.

I chuckled and smiled evilly. "I called you a Jackass." I repeated for his old ass ears to hear.

He growled under his breath. I saw Luke looking at me smiling.

I rolled my eyes again. Mr. Fischbach took deep breaths. "Sean, you have an hour detention after school with me."

I crossed my arms. "It's Jack." I mumbled.

"Huh?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "It's Jack." He looked at me up and down.

"Ok Jack, you still have that detention."

I sighed.

He put notes on the board. Me, not wanting to get another detention with this jackass, took the notes.

He was walking around the room checking if we were taking the notes.

He chuckled when he saw my paper.

I looked at him. His eyes were surprisingly beautiful.

No! Snap out of it Jack! You can't like your teacher.

I sighed and looked down.

He walked away. I heard him talking to Luke.

"There's nothing on this paper Luke." Mr. Fischbach said.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Does it look like I care?" Mr. Fischbach got angry. "You have an hour detention just like Jack."

Hey, at least he called me Jack.

Wait, I have to spend an hour with HIM?!?

No, no, no, no, no.

I can't.

Luke smiled. "Gladly."

It sent shivers down my spine. I'm really scared of this boy.

I felt like crying but I didn't.

What if Mr. Fischbach leaves the room and Cartoonz attacks me?!?

Oh no.

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