Prologue Part 2 -Big Hat Ryan Declares himself King. . . Again-

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"Uhh... so..."

Big Hat Ryan stands in front of a podium raised above a near million of the kingdom's citizens. Behind him is several screens displaying his image in live time for those in the back to see, and the whole event is being broadcast on live television.

He nervously clears his throat. "H-hi!" he squeaks. He moves away from the microphone and coughs a few times. "Hi, I'm Big Hat Ryan..."

"We know who you are, idiot!" someone yells from the crowd. He's taken from the crowd by those flying demon things on the high wall after Vvortd and publicly executed, his blood and guts being sprayed onto the crowd below as he's ripped to shreds in the air.

"Ah... that was bit much wasn't it?" Big Hat Ryan mumbles to himself. He laughs it off, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "In any case..." he smiles.

"AHH!!" Big Hat Ryan jolts up from bed in the middle of the night with sweat running down his cheeks. "A—a dream...?" He sits up and looks to the moon. "That's right I'm to be inaugurated tomorrow morning."

The Adventures of Big Hat Ryan X -The End of a Trilogy- Collapse of a NationWhere stories live. Discover now