Dreams of Dragons

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She slept for the entire first day, finally letting the constant movement catch up to her-the fatigue wanting to swallow her whole. Now, the fleet,-her fleet,-was almost to Westeros. Daenerys didn't mind the boat's abrupt motion, but she discovered that everything was better in her cabin.

Daenerys frequently allowed herself a moment of anxiety when she was alone in her quarters. If Daario was still with her he might have been able to calm her down with slight touches and smooth words. But now she was alone, and even the slightest thought of her last conversation with Daario made her head hurt. She had to deal with her problems herself once again-something that always seemed to work out the best for her. She had a list of problems now, and besides conquering Westeros, Daenerys had to find someone powerful and admired enough to be her husband. Then, she could conquer her rightfully owned lands.


Jon still wasn't used to people screaming this at him as he did simple things like walk to the lou or go to feed Ghost. He wasn't sure what he expected, but it definitely wasn't this. People truly looked up to him now, and Jon wasn't sure if he loved that or was just incredibly intimidated by it. Sansa was happy for him, but yet he could still tell that she was distant from him since Rickon was pierced with arrows and recovered dead off the battleground.
Jon craved moments of solitude now. He still hadn't completely wrapped his mind around the fact that he wasn't just a bastard of Ned Stark anymore, but was now King of the North, like his brother before him. He had to get his plans in order and his strategies figured out. There was so much to do and Jon often questioned if he could actually handle this all by himself.

Being a King.



Daenerys jumped out of her fur covered bed and rushed to the main deck. Drogon was flying overhead her ship, and she signaled for him to fly directly next to the vessel so she could mount him upon arrival. As Tyrion emerged from below deck, she gave him a firm nod before ascending Drogon and taking flight with him and her other children. The dragons hissed in the anticipating pleasure of being able to cast their fire upon their mother's enemies.

From overhead, Daenerys's breath caught in her throat as her iridescent eyes fell upon the objective of her endeavors the past few years. Westeros.

Her grip tightened on Drogon as she directed him to lead his brothers. She signaled to her other children to stay close to her as the three dragons darted ahead of the ships and upon Westeros. They flew high above the lands, having plenty of time to explore before the fleet would arrived.

Daenerys immediately headed North. Tyrion had mentioned that she might find some allies there first, and Daenerys was eager to meet the famous Wildlings and families to choose who she would aline herself with.


"Sir, there have been reports of... Well.."

Jon raised his eyebrows at the young boy before him, expecting him to spit out a tale about seeing a Wilding family, as many others have done since he allowed them onto Northern land.

"Well? What is it lad?" Jon asked, a knowing grin beginning on his face.

"Dragons, my king."

The grin faded immediately from his face as Jon stood up from his chair and approached the boy. "Dragons? What kind of tale is this?"

"My grace it's true! I've seen 'em myself! Three huge ones flew over my home, which isn't far from here!"

Jon shook his head. No, no way in seven hells that's true, he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his dark locks. "Boy, there's been tales of dragons being born, but no one around here can even verify that, let alone claim they've seen one! Go home, lad."

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