A Million Sorrows

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The tears on her face were ice before they could fully slide down her cheeks. Everything was numb to her. When they finally landed back at Eastwatch the men got off, attempted to thank her but all she could do was nod, her eyes closed shut. They slid off Drogon, and one by one disappeared from sight. Rhaegal landed next to Drogon and then she was alone with her family.

She carefully walked down her child and knelt in between her remaining dragons. They shuffled, and soon Rhaegal and Drogon were circled around her, their bodies shielding her from the cold winter wind.

At first she didn't realize they were crying too, in the only way they could. She had never seen them so distraught before. Drogon was comforting Rhaegal as they both shook with their own cries, whimpers lost to the snow. Daenerys wished she could do something, anything, but she couldn't. She felt entirely powerless.

Her chest heaved with the powerful erratic movements her chest was taking just to breathe. Everything hurt, and then, like the first drop of rain before a storm, the tears showered out of her. Daenerys' lamentation threw her onto all fours, her body rattling with her cry until she fell to her back. The grieving turned to anger as she thrusted her fists on the snow, wanting anything, pain or sadness, to take her away from this world. Her careless had resulted in the lost of two of the most cherished things in her life.

She was done.

When the last of her tears had dried she stood on her feet, wiping the arctic snow from her body and walking to the heads of her only children.

"I'm so sorry," she murmured to them. "They're gone... and it's my fault."

Drogon nudged her with his head and Rhaegal sniffed his mother.

"You're all I have left now." Her voice was the saddest of all songs. "We will rest, and then we will go home. I will not stay in the place where my loves-," she paused, inhaling sharply, "where your brother, and my friend, Jon Snow, perished."

And with that she walked through the wooden doors of Eastwatch, leaving her children to fly above her and grieve in the skies.


"I need to send these by raven to Dragonstone and Winterfell. The Starks need to know their brother is dead, and Tyrion should know that I am safe... and that I have lost Viserion."

Tormund nodded, leaving to fetch the birds and mail out the letters she had written.

Daenerys rubbed her face and walked over to the small cot they had placed for her. It was heaven compared to the harsh winter climate, and she laid down, her eyes closing upon impact of the furs.

It flashed before her eyes, too quick to stop.

She was dressed in armor, a chain-metal dress and the Targaryen sigil placed upon her body. The breastplate was red and black, her hair tied up in braids away from her face. She was tying the last of her boots when she heard his voice.

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