Are You Cold?

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He woke to shouting. Jon gasped as he sat up in his bed, the furs falling off of his bare chest. Jon arose from his bed and jumped into his garments, just barely finishing shrugging into his shirt as he reached the window in his chamber. Jon struggled to make out what was happening in the courtyard, but suddenly he say everything that he needed to. A large black beast was hissing in the center, and Jon's eyes flared up in shock as he stumbled backwards and grabbed his fur coat. He bolted out of the room and ran down the carved out steps until he emerged into the courtyard. There he saw it-and her.

Sitting strongly atop the beast was the most stunning icy blonde woman that Jon had ever seen. She spotted him immediately and narrowed her gaze on him, turning behind her to speak to the shadowed figure who was gripping her sides. She nodded, her back to Jon, who suddenly was finding it hard to breathe. She slid down the side of the beast and landed next to its head. Jon's breath was rattling in his chest as his eyes took her in. She was stunning, wrapped in a navy blue dress with a fur coat tied around her neck. The colors complimenting her pale complexion and even paler hair. She was beautiful, and Jon's body was reacting to her in ways he never knew it could.

More people were beginning to come out of their beds and into the courtyard. Jon shouted at them to return to their rooms, saying this was a matter for the King in the North to handle. At that last line, the blonde woman quickly turned to the shadow figure who was now getting off the beast. She mouthed something to the man, who Jon realized was very familiar. Who else would have that golden hair and short stature but...

"Tyrion? Tyrion Lannister?" Jon asked dubiously. He walked a few more feet until he was close enough to make out every line of the girl's face. He gulped, she was even more beautiful up close. Then he turned to the smaller man beside her. Tyrion Lannister.

"Snow?" Tyrion asked in shock.

The woman looked between them quickly, staying silent. Tyrion laughed deeply. "Oh my god. A bastard rising to King in the North? Now I've seen everything."

Jon couldn't help but smile at the familiar face before him. "A lot has happened since we last saw each other at the wall, my friend."

Tyrion looked at the woman. "Indeed it has."

The woman lifted her head to feel the cold night breeze as it blew across her face. "My name is Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First of her name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and the Mother of Dragons." She leveled her head so that she was peering into Jon's eyes with blazing irises. "I have come to heat up your winter."


The man was undeniably handsome, but something about him struck a deeper cord in Dany. She watched as Tyrion and the dark-haired boy stared at her, feeling confident in their future together as a team. Daenerys couldn't help but want to smile herself. This man was the King in the North, and although she never thought of any other ruler besides herself, she couldn't help but love the fact that she wouldn't have to marry some senile old lord.

"I've come to make an... alliance." She batted her eyelashes and widened her eyes, not to flirt but in a way to show dominance. "King Snow, was it?"

Daenerys watched as the man took her appearance in, for what Dany thought might be the 4th time by now. She was used to men staring at her, but something about this one made her skin heat up.

"Let me at least introduce myself, Your Grace." The man said, his voice deep and husky. "I'm Jon Snow, your grace. King of the North and former 998th Commander of the Nights Watch. Call me Jon, if you please. I'm not quite used to being King in the North yet."

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