The Longest Day

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She glided around the war room table. His empty spot sticking out to her like a flame amongst snow. Jorah had returned, hours after Jon had left. She wondered if their ships had passed on the dark waters.

"He should be arriving by now, your grace." Tyrion said from across the room.

"I still don't agree with his plan. Capturing one of those, those things... it's not safe." She replied, stopping at the head of the table.

Tyrion agreed with her, they all did. Yet, Jon was gone. "I care for him too, I just think it's best if he does get proof. More people will join our fight."

"I don't-I never said-," she exhaled in frustration. "I just think of his family. They wouldn't want news that he was dead and we could've stopped that."

Tyrion gave her a funny look. "Since when do you have concern for the bastard of Winterfell?"

Since he made me feel alive, she thought to herself. But instead shook her head. "He's a piece to my puzzle for victory. I need his support, that's all. He can't support me if he's dead, now can he?"

"As I remember, he has yet to bend the knee to you." Tyrion moved across the space and took her small hand in his. "It's okay to feel for him."

Daenerys looked away. "Pain and love, they go hand in hand."

Missandei burst through the room along with Jorah and Varys. "Your grace, there's word from Brandon Stark of Winterfell."

"What?" Dany and Tyrion said at the same time. She met Jorah's eyes, before he glanced at her hand still in Tyrions; he narrowed his gaze, a distraught look on his face. Daenerys rolled her eyes in irritation.

Tyrion walked over to Missandei as she handed him the scroll.

"There's no way he captured one of them already, he should've just passed the Wall by now." He stated as he rolled apart the scroll. Tyrion's eyes went to the words and suddenly he lost coloring. Daenerys stood up and took the paper from his hands.

"No," she whispered, physically unable to say more. It was like the air was gone from the room, she felt herself double over in pain.

"Brandon Stark said the entire army of the undead are headed to Eastwatch. All of them.  He believes Jon and his men will be surrounded by the Night King's army. They're trapped." Tyrion said quietly.

Daenerys felt hot angry tears stream down her face. "No."

Everyone looked at her in confusion. But she was already out the door, headed to her own room to change into riding clothes.


They had knocked frantically at her door but she didn't come out until she was dressed for the cool air above.

Tyrion grabbed her wrist. "What in seven hells do you think you're doing?"

She gave him the fiercest gaze she could, her eyes burning with every ounce of Targaryen she had. "I'm saving them."

"Khalessi, no!" Jorah boomed from Tyrion's side. "You barely know this bastard snow, and you want to risk your life and Drogon's to rescue him?"

"I'm not just going alone. I will be protected by my children. All three of my children."

Everyone stopped.

"Daenerys, no! This is insane!" Tyrion yelled up at her, trying to stand between her and the only way to the dragon pits.

"I'm not letting him die!" She cried out, and pushed past him, practically sprinting to her children whom slept in the dragon pits.


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