Flight of Foes

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He breathed heavily, his voice coming out in shakes. "We need to go."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head in confusion. "I'm all for going home, Jon Snow, but I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Come with me," Jon reached out his forearm for her, and she hesitated for a moment before wrapping an arm around it and letting him lead her down the stone pathway and along the corridor. They walked up a spiral staircase and through a little wooden door, then he stopped. Beside him Daenerys was working to steady her breath again, but Jon had already released her and took a large piece of parchment off the stack in the corner. He had taken her to Winterfell's best equivalent for plans room. He had been working tirelessly in here for ideas to defeat the Night King before Daenerys had arrived. But now, he had the perfect plan.

He slammed the paper down on the table in front of where Daenerys stood, looking rather perplexed and a bit agitated. "What are you doing?"

Instead of answering her Jon took a quill and furiously began to draw Dragonstone from the best of his memory of the book Sam had told him to look at. Daenerys moved to stand beside Jon as he carefully sketched.

"Now," he mumbled in his thick Northern accent as he was close to finishing, "I've never been much of an artist."

Daenerys gasped. "Why did you-"

"Here." Jon interrupted, pointing at the still-drying ink. "We need to mine the glass here and now."

"No." She commanded, suddenly grabbing him by the shoulders and doing her best to turn him toward her. "You will tell me everything about what you're talking about. Right now."

"This is what I've been trying to tell you! The Night King is coming and we need this Dragonglass to stop them. Please, Dany."

He saw her eyes change from anger to confusion. He thought it was regarding his statement but then she closed her eyes. When she opened them again her face was softer and her gaze glassy. "My brother was the last person to call me that."

Jon didn't know if he should apologize or console her. She looked so young in this moment. He knew she was small, but suddenly it was like she was folding in on herself. He wanted to reach out and open her up again, but it wasn't his place.

"He was cruel and harsh." She sighed, as if it pained her to talk about. "But it-I-you..." she struggled to gather her thoughts. "It's nice to feel warmth in that name again."

Jon started to speak but she shook her little head, her silver hair beginning to fall from its loose braids. "I don't want to fall again."

He looked at her in confusion. There eyes met and then he knew exactly what she meant, more than he ever thought he could. It was like two parts rushed together and collided. She looked at him like the world was breaking, and he was the only person that could save her. And suddenly Jon Snow began to move closer to the dragon queen.


Tyrion barged through the wooden door, and then it was gone. Daenerys hardened, closing her eyes at Jon and he simply looked away, more hurt than confused. "I heard there was dragonglass." Tyrion said breathlessly, his gaze going between the two rulers.


The three of them huddled over the small map Jon had drawn. Together they devised their plan and decided to leave the next morning.

"I don't know how you expect me to get there as quick as you both do." Jon said, leaning against the table.

Daenerys smiled to herself, looking at Tyrion. "Are you afraid of heights, Jon Snow?"

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