Necessary Evil

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"Naruto sama, you have visitors."

Naruto raised his head to look at the young brunette who just entered his office. her name is Akira; Naruto's personal assistant. she was a beautiful pixie like woman a few years older than Naruto himself.

"Who is it?" Naruto asked softly, remembering that he had no appointments this evening.

"One Miss Sakura Haruno from Konoha, Naruto sama."

Naruto blinked; surprised.

"Sakura? here?"

Seeing her boss's perplexed state the woman said worried, "I can tell her that you are not available."

"It's okay Akira. she won't leave until she see me... sent her in, in ten minutes... i need some time to organize my thoughts."

Akira nodded respectfully and exited the office.

Alone in his office again, Naruto leaned back in the executive chair and let his thoughts wander.

It has been ten years since his banishment from Konoha. All because of the same person who was currently 'visiting'.

They had kicked him out of his village, shattered his dreams, all because he bought back his traitorous teammate.

'Use of unnecessary force, murder attempt, disregard of orders...'

'Demon scum...'

'You lied to us you are a monster...'

'How dare you do that to Sasuke kun.'

'We risked our lives trying to bring him back and you try to kill him because you are jealous!'

'I am ashamed to say that you are my student, Naruto'

'Naruto I only asked you to bring him back... Not kill him...'

'Do you know how important Sasuke is to the village?'

'I am sorry Naruto, if i try to help you the council will banish me to...'

Accusations kept replaying in his mind like a broken record. Everyone he thought as his precious people had abandoned him. It hurt so much.

Those that didn't see him as a monster, saw him as an irresponsible idiot run by his jealousy...

Tsunade, Iruka, Jiraya, every last one of them...

After all he had done they discarded him like trash.

So why are they here now? he know for sure that Sakura didn't come alone.

What should he do?Act like she hadn't stabbed him in the back?Or be furious and try to smash her head in? Try as he might he couldn't be angry anymore. He had forgotten all his anger, a long time ago. Holding grudges was not Naruto's specialty anyway.

But no matter what he did... he knows... he knows that he needs Konoha.

There was a short knock.

"Come in..." he muttered preparing himself.

The door opened and Sakura Haruno entered in all her pink haired glory.

"Hello Naruto kun..." She said with a soft tone, that was filled with something that sounded like guilt. her beautiful emerald eyes filled with tears.

And Naruto couldn't help the gentle smile that spread on his lips.

That was all Sakura needed to launch herself towards Naruto and take him in a desperate and bone crushing hug. Her loud sobs echoing across the office as both of them fell out of the chair and on to the marble floor, but still in an embrace.

Naruto didn't mind. He just simply kept holding her silently, until the woman ran out of tears.

Hello people. So this is my first story on wattpad. Hope you like it.

And for those who wanna know, this is not going to be a NaruSaku... not on my watch...

This is purely yaoi with my favourite Kyunaru.

See ya later.

Necessary EvilWhere stories live. Discover now