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"Sakura... What are you doing here?"

Naruto asked in a hopeful voice. And Sakura knew exactly what he was hoping for, so she said with a bright smile and sparkling tears,

"Why do you ask that you baka? Of course I am here for you..."

And when his eyes brighten up like a child who got a Christmas present, she knew she had him hook line and sinker.


"Of course. We all missed you so much... And you can call me Sakura chan okay? No need to be afraid."

'How dare you call me Sakura chan after you did that to Sasuke kun, you monster....'

A voice reminded him exactly what she had said that day.

'I hate you I hate you Go and die... Nobody needs a demon like you...Do us all a favor and die...'

"You do? But I thought you... hated me...."The vulnerable tone, averted eyes and he looked like a kicked puppy...a very adorable and sexy puppy. And it took all of her will power not to kiss him senseless...although that would probably help the mission.

"Oh Naruto kun... You know I was just angry that day.... Angry and heart broken... I was so stupid back then... I was hurt and i took it all out on you... my poor baby... i really hurt you didn't i? i am such an idiot..." she sobbed again for effect.

he became perplexed. Sakura knew Naruto could never become a good ninja... because after all he tried, he was just a naive idiot who had no idea how to hide his emotions. the only great thing about him was the power of the demon...and maybe his new found architectural skills. once he gets back to Konoha, they could use his expertise in renovating their buildings.

"Don't cry Sakura chan... I understand you..." He hugged her tight and god it felt so good that she almost cried out in ecstasy.

"Naruto... We want you back." She reluctantly let go of him and looked at him pleadingly.

"Want.. me back?" surprise, confusion, hope and happiness. She almost scoffed, it was so easy to read Naruto.

"Yes..." She jumped up with an excited smile. "The banishment has been lifted. You can come back home now. you can come back to me..." She added for good measure.

"B-but What about the council? the villagers?"

"they all want you back Naru kun...." She' blushed' at the nickname she 'accidentally' used. The pleasant blush that spread through his cheeks was rewarding enough.

he stood up excited just like her and that brilliant idiotic grin she had seen years ago was back in his face.

"That's great. I am so happy, Sakura chan... Do you have the official documents with you? I have to make sure everything is perfect, you know. And then I'll have to call my lawyer and finish all the paper works. Oh god.. there is so much to do... I am so happy Sakura chan. so happy."

Even after all these years his grin was still contagious.

"Actually, Kakashi sensei is here along with the rest of the rookies as well Gai's team and all the senseis. He has the official documents about the banishment."

"Everyone's here? That's great. Oh... I can't meet them now. I have a meeting... right now actually. wow! i really forgot the time....Hehe, I am such a scatter brain some times."

"more like always you baka." She retorted but made sure that her tone held no bite. So he only grinned.

"Well, I am still Naruto... somethings will never change ya know." He said.

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