Back to Konoha

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"It's done?"

"Good. Tell the people to start mining as soon as possible. Be as discrete as possible." Naruto smiled indulgently.

Chris chuckled. "I will transfer the ownership of the properties into your name tomorrow just in case they decide to complicate things."

"Alright. And what about the other properties?"

"All done. It was easy to convince the daimyo especially when his wife was vehemently against disappointing you."

Naruto chuckled. Konoha just lost the treasures they didn't even knew they had all along. Chris chuckled as well.

"Yes it is. here are the documents. will you be going there?"

"Yes. After all i want to see what became of my dear sweet village."

Naruto walked away from Chris with a smirk.

In Konoha (sometime later)

"Hey guys, Naruto is here."

Sakura and Sasuke paused from their spar to look at Ino who had yelled out.

"Really? he didn't send any message." Sakura said surprised.

they had expected him to at least inform them.

"Maybe he planned a surprise." Kakashi said.

"yeah. that's probably it. come on sasuke kun, let's go meet the baka."

The villagers stared. could anyone blame them? i mean walking in front of them was the same boy they had kicked out of their village. only difference was that now the boy had grown into what can only be called an Adonis and the villagers knew that they needed the boy's help.

it has been one week after the announcement that naruto will be coming back to the village. the villagers had protested at first, but the hokage and the council (even the ones who had actively participated in banishing naruto) had given a speech on how badly they needed naruto. so the villagers grudgingly had to agree.

"Naruto kun." Sakura exclaimed in surprise. it seemed like naruto gets more and more beautiful every time she see him.

there he stood in flanked by his loyal bodyguards on each side.

"hey." naruto waved not that much enthusiastic.

sakura frowned but ignored it thinking that he was just tired from the journey or something. he was wearing grey v neck underneath a black tuxedo jacket; left open. along with relaxed blue jeans and black sneakers.

She moved forward to hug him, while Sasuke stood ogling the beautiful man.

But before she could, the bodyguards stepped in front, stopping her from even touching their lord. After all Kyoshiro had specifically instructed not to let any Konoha scum touch his mate.

Sakura growled at the guards, so did Sasuke. But imagine their surprise when Naruto only smirked at them and not made any move to make the guards move.

"So, is the Hokage Tower still where I remember? I want to get all of this out of my way as soon as possible." Naruto said bored.

Sakura was confused by the change in behavior. But ignored it in favor of leading the blond to the tower.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you have been summoned by the council." Spoke the anbu who appeared in front of the blond.

Naruto smirked thinking of what will follow.

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