Watching You Crumple

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Hello people, so here is chapter seven. i don't know if you'd find it any good seeing as it only has some of the matches.

I am not really good with fight scenes and writing about a dozen different fight scenes is troublesome. I wrote the first few anyway. And I apologize in advance because I am going back to my hostel again, the day after tomorrow, so I won't be able to write or update while I am there.

So don't expect the next chapter for about two or three months. I really am sorry, but there nothing I can do about it.

I plan on updating another chapter of 'To Live Again' tomorrow and that's going to be my last update for some time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Watching you Crumple



The audience watched with bated breath as a jonin (just some random jonin with no other importance than announcing the matches) announced the match of the first match.

Ino and Naruto stood looking at each other. Naruto looked bored while Ino had a look of concentration.

"I will defeat you Naruto." Ino said.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, not really phased by her proclamation. Instead he stood a little straighter and put his hands inside the pockets of his jeans and tilted his head to the side so that his bangs fell over his left eye slightly.

There was a chorus of squeals and flashes of camera; almost all of them focused on Naruto.

Ino scowled, was he doing that on purpose? Posing for pictures during the match, just to piss her off? But she had to admit, he looked rather hot; especially with that smoldering gaze focused on her, his v-neck tightly stretched over his lean muscles making him all the more delectable.

Naruto smirked as if he heard her thoughts.

"Are you planning on fighting or just standing there and ogling me, Ino?"

Ino blushed angry and embarrassed. Her hands flew into a sign and she yelled,

"Mind Body Switch jutsu"

Naruto jumped out of the way of the mind transfer, "Did you really think that would wor-"Naruto stopped mid way, his eyes going blank.

From the balcony overlooking the matches the rookies were surprised that it ended so easily.

The kages however were chuckling to themselves; did she really just go into the mind of a former jinchuuriki who now possessed the power of the jubi? Well bad luck for her.

A moment later Naruto smirked again.

"Well that was easy" Sakura scoffed, "Hey Ino; just make the idiot forfeit already." She shouted down at who she thought was Ino.

Naruto looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Then he chuckled and slowly moved towards Ino's downed body.

'So Ino managed to master the mind body switch? She was able to change the direction of the jutsu even when I moved; it was very much faster than expected as well. Any other opponent would've been easily defeated' Naruto thought as he stood next to the body.

"What is she doing?" Sakura asked confused.

Shikamaru's eyes widened, "It's not Ino!"

"What that's impossible!" Sakura said "Even Sasuke kun had trouble breaking out of her advanced mind body switch. And he just broke out of it just like that? Impossible."

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