The Rebirth

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"So what do you think, Chris?" Naruto asked as he leaned back in his executive chair.

Christopher Tollens Naruto's lawyer as well as a long time friend, looked over the documents.

"Everything's good. They have removed the banishment as well as the restrictions. And its approved by the fire damiyo, so yeah we're all set."

"Good. I don't want to waste such an opportunity. Sent the necessary petition to the fire damiyo, and if he disagrees with the terms even after we provide the necessary details, tell him it will affect the fire country's 'budding relationship' with demon country."

"I am sure it won't come to that. Everything is legal and perfect, if he doesn't pass the petition, he will lose face. Any self respecting damiyo will agree. And I know that the damiyo is a good person."

"That he is. That's why I want this to be quick. I want this petition passed before the damiyo's fool of a grandson is made his successor. I have confirmed that the next damiyo is secured tightly under Danzo's pocket."

"It will be done. I 'll leave today itself."

"Good. Thanks Chris."

"Hey, what are friends for."

As Chris left, Naruto stood up to leave the office as well.

At the reception he met Josh, the receptionist.

"How's it going boss?" josh asked with a wave.

"Good. So you free for a drink tonight?"

"Sure... We'll meet at the Devil palace at 10. I heard they had a new dancer there." Losh said with a giggle at the thought of the dancer.

"Sure, dude. Devil palace it is. Oh and invite the guys, haven't seen them in a while."

"Sure thing Boss man."

As he stepped outside, another one of his secretaries was waiting for him. Kazama Yoshii was a blond man with blue green eyes and was Ai's cousin.

"Naruto sama, we need your approval for testing the new car design. And Sen was looking for your opinion on the latest design for the iPhone as well. He said that the developers came up with some amazing ideas."

"I'll sent two clones with you Yoshii, I have some personal matters that I need to attent at the moment."

"Alright Naruto sama."

Naruto created two clones and sent them with Yoshii.

"Oh and Yosh, We're meeting up at the Devil Palace at 10. Think you can make it?"

"Sure why not."

"Alright then bye." Naruto vanished in a shunshin.

He appeared home. Despite being the owner of the Uzu enterprise, Naruto lived with Kyoshiro in a very simple yet beautiful home.

Uzu enterprise was the main industrial foundation of the demon country.

They manufactured most of their electronics, motor vehicles, new technologies, computerized security, architecture, weapons manufature (this was limited and well hidden) and a chain of restaurants and hospitals, academies were all either owned or supported by the uzu enterprise.

And Naruto was the head of it all. I mean the guy used a ten thousand shadow clone to learn anything and everything he desired.

two months after his banishment, more like betrayal, Naruto found himself captured by the Akatsuki.

Naruto had lost the will to fight, and he for the first time in his life, just gave up. Kyubi was roaring in his seal about how Naruto was a weak fool.

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