The beginning Of The End

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Happy Christmas people

I hope you all are having fun this Christmas. So I finished this chapter just today. I wasn't planning on posting it today, but I did it anyway.

Hope you like it.

Necessary Evil

Beginning of The End

Naruto was thinking about the upcoming fight when a familiar chakra signature was outside his room. Naruto tensed as the door opened.


Naruto narrowed his eyes at the man he once viewed as a big brother. Why would his guards let Iruka enter when they knew that he didn't want to see the man?

"Umino san"
Iruka was hurt by the dispassionate tone and he gave a bitter smile.

"Do you still hate me Naruto?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you already know my answer, Umino san?"

Iruka was already messing with his attitude; his very presence was making Naruto agitated.

"Will you listen to me once Naruto? After all, I was once your big brother..."

Iruka asked in a calm yet sad voice.

Big brother? Naruto slammed his hands on the table as he stood up.

"What are you playing at Iruka?!" He didn't yell, but he was angry.

Iruka smiled and then he chuckled.

"You're still so easy to rile up, Naruto.... You are still the same." Iruka said between chuckles.

"No Umino san, I can safely say that I am not the fool that I was back then."

Naruto said scowling and he turned away from Iruka; the person whose betrayal he still couldn't get over.

"No Naruto. You were never a fool to begin with. I know that you are still the kind hearted stubborn blonde who would fight the entire world for his precious people. I always saw through that mask you wore Naruto. That idiot mask you kept up to protect yourself."

Naruto's eyes widened but he didn't turn around to see Iruka's face. He didn't need to see his face to know that he was telling the truth. Iruka continued speaking.

"It didn't take me long to figure out that I was one of the only two people who saw through that mask."

Naruto had nothing to say. He couldn't speak. He had always been proud of his mask back then, because he believed that no one saw through it. But now Iruka is saying that two people saw through it. He had a guess who the second person was.

"The second person was the sandaime."
Iruka said confirming his guess.

"We knew you were suffering... but we couldn't do anything in fear of pushing you away...."

Naruto closed his eyes he didn't want to hear anymore. But he had no strength to stop Iruka, some part of him wanted to know, wanted to hear some form of explanation from Iruka.

"Day by day I watched as you faded, and despite all I had done you never did trust me enough to drop your mask in front of me. It hurt, but I understood... When the chunin exams were near, I was very worried about you. I found out about how Kakashi was neglecting you and how your teammates treated you but I never got the chance to change any of that before everything began crumbling down."

"Why are you telling me all this? What are you trying to prove?" Naruto asked.

"I am not trying to prove anything Naruto. But now that you're here with me again... I want you to know everything Naruto. Maybe I'll get my little brother back."

Necessary EvilWhere stories live. Discover now