The change

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I suggest looking at the description box it has a lot of the back story explaining crap so go read that before this mk (I actually wrote this a long time ago and it went under some serious editing since I'm now older and know how too well write the discription above is from about 3 years ago🤣🤣)

One day princess alama decided to explore
the forbidden forest.

Alama wasn't very old only 7 and her baby sister melody was turning 1
but even at this age alama loved all nature and had a magnificent power......
She had the gift to be able to talk to animals and the trees and use nature as a force of protection.

Alama continued wandering this mysterious place. As she was exploring she got worried at the smell of smoke. She walks over too a wise old tree and places her forehead and hand on the tree

"Great wisdom of the trees guide me threw your eyes tell me the answers too my questions indeed..........." Alama whispers too the tree.

She worriedly pushes away from the tree and starts bolting too the kingdom.

She ran as fast as she could but the sight she had seen before her was horrifying
The place she called home was demolished,
everyone was panicking but she knew she
didn't have the time too panic if she wanted too save Melody.

Alama raced threw her once perfect kingdom and now chaotic wasteland towards the castle.

Once she arrived at the rubble leftovers of the castle and bursted threw the doors,
smoke filled her lungs and she could barley see through the haze.
She covered her mouth and pushed up the stairs avoiding falling castle debrei.

Once she arrived at her sisters room Alama gently picked her fragile little sister up and looked back at the now ablaze door way.

She glanced at the open window and looked down. Wondering if it was her only option.

Once she was sure this is all she could do she jumped out the window, clinging too her little sister for dear life and luckily landed on a tree.
She quickly climbed down the tree still holding her little sister.

When she started too walk away from her kingdom she heard crying from nearby and couldn't bring herself too keep pushing onwards.

She quickly used her magic too make a small wooden tree cot for her too lay in and then walked towards the sound of the crying.

She was glad she stopped when she saw 3 small children who looked about 3 - 4 crying.

"I am princess Alama and I am here to aid you, our kingdom has been invaded and we must leave here so please come with me"
The children stop crying and look up at me.
They give me a nod and hop up too follow.
I go back to Melody's temporary crib and pick her up. I carry the 2 year old on my back and the 2 other 4 year olds are walking holding my hands.

We walk for a long time too the small village of Lulliville. Our kingdom had good connections with them so I know they will aid us.

"Miss Alama whats gonna happen to us?" One of the four year olds ask

"Oh uh I'm going too take you too a village called lulliville and your going too stay with them until your parents come back ok?"

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