Getting back up

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Alama's POV
Ugh my whole body hurts where am I
can't see it's just darkness

Oh wait my eyes are closed hehe I'm so stupid. I open my eyes and I see where I am I'm in the emergency place in the castle
" hello?" I shout out I shout it out again

" hello! "

Okay where the hell is everybody?!

Never mind Ophelia just walked threw the door.
It's good to see her I may only have just met her but she's my sister and I remember her from when u was 1-2 she was full of wonder and quite a dare devil

" how are you feeling " Ophelia says
"I'm fine il be okay don't worrry " I reply quickly

I try to get out of bed but Ophelia runs over and pushes me back in bed.

" alama stay in bed. You have been poisoned and partly paralysed by the knives. Who in the hells was that woman?"

"I don't know but got she had some aim" I say with a bit of a laugh

" am I allowed to get out of bed now miss nurse " I say trying to get on Ophelias nerves

" ha ha funny and no you need to rest " "

no I don't, but I do need to get to the forest "I say

" alama please stay in bed " Ophelia says

" well sorry but it's pretty uncomfortable in my armour in bed " I say

" that's barely armour. It's leather with weapons everywhere. Your legit a living weapon "

Ophelia says " well when your trained to be one I guess it makes sense " I say loosing my smile
" alama I'm sorry I know you have a lot and you have much pressure on your shoulders...Just please rest " she says

" I'm getting out of here you'll understand in a couple minutes once I'm in the forests" i whisper under my breathe as she leaves

I get up I'm a bit woosy but Iv been worse. I grab one of my knifes turn it around and smash the window I turn the knife around again and I look over the edge.
It's about a 20m drop but I can make it.

I jump out the window and stab my knife into the wall and slide down with one hand holding onto the knife and one hand dangling. It's about 5 metres left so I jump .
This gives me flash backs and a lot of them but I keep charging into the forest. I just realised Ophelia is screaming out the window at me for how ignorant I am it's kinda funny

" GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE KETITA (brat). But of course I don't look back and keep walking . Once I leave the forest I lay down, Close my eyes and the roots and fauna come out of the ground and cover me they embed me inside them.

I probably have sat here for about twenty minutes so I retreat the roots and get up I'm completely healed.

This method of healing has yet failed me.
I can take up less time and auto heal myself but I haven't mastered that and destiny said don't use too many things that you haven't mastered because it could turn on you .
And I'm kinda scared of that so Iv listened to her words wisely.

I just realised melody's staring at me . NOPE IV SEEN THIS STARE TO MANY TIMES I PROBABLY SHOULD RUN . But she's probably confused and she's my sister. I take a deep breathe and say in my head keep your emotions in check don't loose control.

" wow how did you do that "Melody says

" Mel I didn't know you we're here I'm so sorry " I say
" it's okay but your very extraordinary " she says examining me, it's kinda creepy

" thanks but it's just a power I have it's meant to help me for when I'm hurt because leaders for some reason are expect to not take pain like a normal person
. were meant to get straight back up and ignore it, so I learnt this power" I say

" can you teach me some magciks?"

" I guess so I can teach you how to make a energy ball it's easy atleast for me and most beginners " I say followed by
" you can't do this in your dress tho your going to need some battle gear " so I move my hands around in a pattern and a blue tornado like swirl goes around her and her outfit changes

" I guess so I can teach you how to make a energy ball it's easy atleast for me and most beginners " I say followed by " you can't do this in your dress tho your going to need some battle gear " so I move my hands around in a pattern and a blue to...

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Melodys pretty tall she's about 5'6 to 5'7 and is extremely pretty for her age she looks a lot older then what she is

" do I look nice?" Says Mel
" you look stunning and ready to train " I say

" Alama I don't have any weapons " she says looking to her hands then back up at me

" that can be arranged " I move my hands around but then do and ancient dance gold light starts following my hands. I keep dancing until a silver sword appears infront of me "grab it " I say

" but it's floating is it safe?" Mel says

" it is trust me" I say. Then melody reaches her hand out and grabs the axe . Her face lights up I think she's ready to learn some simple fighting skills
" okay let's begin" I say .
I show her first position, second position, third position and attack we practised for about 3 hours and she's got the basic moves down . I wish I had a trainer like this, I just had to go out in the forest and teach myself .
So we walk back to the castle and melodys holding her new huge sythe I hope she likes it. We arrive at the door and Ophelia greets us there

" alama your a fool dressed in a guardians cloths "

" right back at ya " I say giggling

" har har but seriously you could of atleast auto healed yourself " Ophelia says

" I haven't mastered that power so I shall not use it until I have " I say

" hmm understood " Ophelia says " com n let's just go inside and have dinner okay " I say trying to lighten to mood. " okay come on in then it's on the table " Ophelia says with a slight smirk

Ophelia Alama and melody walk inside the castle to the dining room they all sit down and alama is about to start eating when they hear a knock on the door. alama gets up and answers it but man was she not expecting this person atleast not this soon

Alama's POV
It surely hasn't been a month it couldn't of been. " hello " I say " times up let's sort more detailed things out shall we " says the demon

Hay guys and I'm evil to end this on s cliff hanger but I hope this encourages you to read the next chapter //have a nice day, or night !

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