Ready the army

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Last night the girls stayed up till late and alama barely slept she was on her desk planning battle strategy until 4am then she went to sleep and woke up at six visited guardian tower and that's where this chapter begins

Alama's POV
Man has it been a ruff morning now I have to go to guardian tower great. I close my eyes and I glow white and shimmer to guardian tower the whole place is white and for each tile of the floor is a portal to every different realm. But as soon as I arrived I automatically changed into my guardian outfit

My only problem with this outfit is that it's very revealing but I can't control the change so I don't really get an opinion on it in all honesty

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My only problem with this outfit is that it's very revealing but I can't control the change so I don't really get an opinion on it in all honesty. So I keep walking until I finally arrive at the tile that the elders are in and yes they are in the guardian realm and yes there is a guardian realm. I jump inside the tile portal and appear in the elders office. " ah Alama cress you've finally arrived " says elder duro " duro in so sorry I'm late I didn't get much sleep last night and I had a 1 meeting with the dark lord and 3 different meetings with 3 different commanders " I say " it's okay alama we understand " says elder Kerala
" oh Kerala how's the baby " I say " aww she's doing great thanks " Kerala says " Kerala no offence but I think we have more import matters at hand" says elder Varro
" ah yes let's get to the matter at hand duro will explain " Kerala says " ah yes the armies are ready and we have them training right now we've gathered other enchanted forests like your good friends from the hollow and borriee and there guardians are all ready for the end of dawn " duro says " I see, well I guess this means il be seeing many old friends " I say "indeed alama " Kerala says " but alama can you control your mothers power on full moon " says Varro " I hope but that's how I won the war few years ago" I say " yes I saw " says a mystical voice from behind me . All the elders bow and I look behind me to see my mother

" mum" I say " hello darling long time no see " the lunar goddess says " I can't believe your here I haven't seen you since like the war " I say " ha I forgot Iv just been a bit busy lately and when you battle the moon will be shining full and bri...

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" mum" I say " hello darling long time no see " the lunar goddess says " I can't believe your here I haven't seen you since like the war " I say " ha I forgot Iv just been a bit busy lately and when you battle the moon will be shining full and bright to help you " She says " thanks mum " I say " sweetly I wish I could stay longer with you but I must be going " She says " wait mum u found 2 very special people " I say " hmm sweetly I didn't think you'd ever settle down! Yes your pretty young but wow who's the man? "She says " mum I haven't settled down but I found melody and Ophelia " I say . Tears welt in my mothers eyes she smiles then asks" you did , that's wonderful just spectacular " my mum says. My mum slowly starts disappearing " sweetly I'm sorry but I have to go " She says " it's okay mum I love you . My mum disappeared once again I won't see her for a very long time " well that was an event " says Kerala " I know right" I say " well meeting adjourned " says duro . I once again glow white and shimmer home I take of my helm and leave in in the ground but forget to change out of my guardian cloths. I'm still in the forest walking around and I bump into Ophelia " oh hey sis " I say ophelias jaw drops and she asks " What is the hell are you wearing it looks great on you but it's very revealing and I'd never think you'd wear something like this " she says " what do you mean " I say then I look down . Omi moon i forgot to freaking change great how do I explain this one " oh I forgot to change sorry I had to go to guardian tower for a meeting with the elders and even mum popped in but had to shortly after leave " I say as Ophelia bursts into laughter and when she talks she's laughing along with it " omi gosh alama is that seriously your guardian outfit I feel so bad for you " she says " I know but I know you have just as much of a revealing one even more that's why you wear that armour over it remember as I show her a photo on the crystal

 Omi moon i forgot to freaking change great how do I explain this one " oh I forgot to change sorry I had to go to guardian tower for a meeting with the elders and even mum popped in but had to shortly after leave " I say as Ophelia bursts into la...

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" you look stunning in the photo but I'm pretty sure that outfit had a very high cut on it around 1 inch down and high wasted about 4 inches up" I say " shut up " Ophelia says " il quickly transform back okay " I say then glow white and transform back to normal " much better " Ophelia says " I'm gonna go have a bath in a waterfall spring up in the mountain okay " I say " yeah that's fine il tell destiny " she says " thanks " I say to her as she walks off . So I start walking to he top of the mountain it took be about 15 minutes and I was at he spring. I took my cloths of hung them on a branch and went in he water it was perfectly warm. 30 minutes pass by and I'm washing my hair in the waterfall facing the rocks. I hear something behind me, I would usually swung around but I'm unclothed so that wouldn't be smart so I turn my head around and see Mj " MJ WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE IN THE BUSHES " I scream at Mj " ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I WAS PASSING BY AND I SAW YOUR HAIR FROM AROUND THE CORNER SO I CAME OVER AND YOUR HERE "says Mj " WELL I DONT CARE SCRAM " I say turning bright red he turns bright red as well he puts his hand over his eyes and says" il tell you about it later " Mj says "tell me what " I say. I cross my arms over my chest and turn around the waters pretty steamy so you can't see threw it and I'm mostly covered in steam" what were you going to tell me" I say .Mj takes his hand of his eyes and turns really red " uh I can tell you later "he says " just tell me now " I say " I think I can tell you another time maybe when your i dunno wearing cloths "Mj says " dont be immature just tell me " I say" fine, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out some time " Mj says " that's what you wanted to tell me " I say " well uh yeah "he says" no offence but there's a war on the line and I thought it would be more important " i say " WELL I TOLD TOU I COULD TELL YOU ANOTHER TIME " Mj says " touché hmmm il take your offer up and on another note are you trying to ask me to go on a date?" I say " Uhhh gotta go bye here's the invitation , bye !" He runs off dropping a letter . It had a white decorative butterfly , cute. I get out of the the spring in the waterfall and get dressed my hairs still a bit wet so I flick it to the side then open the letter it says: dear alama you've been invited to the ball party in the dark realm I understand this party is celebrating war but I think it would be funny to terrorise the guards with you :love Mj . Sounds cool I might actually show up . I probably should ask Ophelia on cloths tho she's kinda good at that and I can maybe see what the dark lords up too. This works out perfectly. I start walking back to the castle and when I arrive I burst threw the doors go up to Ophelias room and open the door and say " I got a ball to go to"

Hi, hope you enjoyed the chapter and I have really long chapters in this book this is because each chapter is about a week of alama's life except I kinda skipped the sleeping part and this is because guardians technically don't need sleep since there not human but they do enjoy it enough of me gossiping //have a nice day, or night!

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