Where now?

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Alama's POV

I slowly look around seeing if there's any possible exit but from what I can see there isn't an easy one. " keep looking around okay" I nod and start to run my hands along the walls. I'm not to worried about finding an exit because if we can't I can always make one, the only issue is that the whole place may crumble on us and right now I don't have my abilities so I'm a sitting duck. "Mj I was kind of hoping you would know the exit " I say, arms crossed " well I use to but they change the exit quite often and I haven't gotten the new information.
" so great I'm stuck with a useless pretty boy" i sigh and keep looking around until I hear footsteps from above and freeze " don't move " Mj says " slowly move back to the cells and play dead okay" I look at him weirdly " I'm not five and okay " I say as I slowly start quivering over to my cell and then I lay down near the side and shut my eyes. But I peak threw and see Mj doing the same thing "they haven't escaped yet " a man says, and a different one says " grab the girl and take the prince to his father " as he says that a feel a hand grab my arm. I immediately open my eyes wide and stare at the man" SHES AWAKE " he barks " uhhhh okay this is gonna be painful for you not me " I pull my hand down with him on it and it sends him crashing to the ground, he doesn't get up but I do I march over to the other fellow and knock him out with a swift punch. But more and more come I keep taking them out but it's getting harder and harder. Until 12 to 14 guys jump on me and start cutting me with knives and then while I'm distracted another one knocks me out .

Flash forward about 4 to 5 hours

I slowly open my eyes but it's just a blur. I look down to see myself with cuts going all over my shirt and pants. I look around and again and see a figure, I think it's Mj but I'm not sure " Mj?" I say weakly " your awake princess " I give him a death glare. " it's Queen to you " he shoots me a worried look and lets out a sigh " is destiny gone...." he says with a deep tone. I nod my head and close my eyes. I open them back up and I can see an office around me with a window " I found our escape" I say with a grin " powers are disabled stupid " he looks at me like I'm dumb and then I point to the window and he changes his look to a grateful smile " ladies first ?" He says " wimp " I say as I jump out the window smashing it as I go. I land on my feet until Mj falls on top of me. " can you like get off " I say rolling my eyes " uhhh sorry " he jumps up and helps me up with him " let's get out of here" I say , and within a few moments I open up a portal home. We both go threw and get greeted by many smiling faces. " THERE BACK " one screams " SISSY " screams a familiar voice followed by another familiar voice " ALI GET HE HELL OVER HERE " I soon get hugged my both of my sisters and explained my journey.

This wasn't a very long chapter neither was it very good but it is crucial for a different chapter in the new future sooo
Have a nice day//or night!

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