Whats going on?

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Once Marco had retrieved alama he took her strait to the castle infirmary. Alama has now been asleep for the past 5 weeks and has finally shown some signs of waking up and this is where this chapter starts the infirmary

Alama's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and saw nothing but white, once I blinked about a hundred times I could finally make out some shapes and objects. This kinda looks like a hospital like thing or something like that, I hear noises from the other rooms. Hmmmm maybe I should I try get out it feels like Iv been asleep forever,  so I try getting up and I do it after wobbling and nearly falling down a few times I end up walking. I walk out the door holding onto the walls I listen in on the conversation happening in the room " WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES NOT GOING TO WAKE UP" " it means what it means sire if she was the god she is meant to be she would've woken up by now she's most likely in dead sleep " " NO YOU CANT GIVE UP THAT EASILY SHES A GODDESS THERE MUST BE A WAY " " marco calm down and listen to the doctor " says a female voice " HOW CAN YOU STAY CALM YOUR SISTER IS ON THE EDGE OF DEATH " shouts an angry man
" sire please, there's nothing we can do she's dying and there's no cure atleast not in our powers " a boy starts sobbing and I kind of feel bad I personally don't exactly know who there talking about but I feel like it's probably me. So I decide to walk threw the door, but I rest on the door side " miss me " I say weakly managed a little laugh with it "ALAMA YOUR AWAKE " a brown haired boy runs up and hugs me followed by a white haired girl but the other man just stares at me in disbelief "uh hi " I say, I'm pretty sure this is Ophelia and Marco but I can't see very well right now neither can I walk well " alama your awake! " Marco says while he starts to tear up. " well yeah I thought that part was obvious " I say with a grin " alama don't be stupid with me okay we've been worried, everyone thought you were going to die " yeah well I had to walk all he way from hells doors back to my body so it's wasn't all sunshine and rainbows "I start to loose my balance again so my words go crooked "what?" He says " hells doors, it's a place people go once they die only gods and powerful people usually make it out with there soul and walk all the way from there back to your conscious. It takes a while "I say trying to regain my balance but can't
" wait you've died before! " Marco says " yeah about 2 times and now 3 " I say " your just full of surprises huh? "He lifts one eyebrow " that's me alright " I say threw a grin " sorry to break you two up but Alama has a lot of work to catch up on and she probably needs to see an eye doctor or just practise walking again " Ophelia says trailing off. Ophelia then walks over to me and puts my arm over her shoulder and walk me out of the castle and lifts me up onto Natiri " thanks " " no problem " she jumps up behind me and directs Natiri back the the enchanted kingdom. Once we land I slowly get of Natiri but I still can't see real well everything is just a blur " inside and start catching up on work " Ophelia says pointing to the door " fine, i guess your not finding my job very easy huh " I say walking up the stairwell " no it's not so go catch up " she says. So I go up stairs to find my office full of magik letters, Great just what I wanted to do. So I sit down in my chair and start sorting threw letters and writing replies and reasons for why iv been gone. After hours of boredom I decide to go out into the forest at night and train, since guardians don't have to sleep unless there dying or something I was fine to train. I start slicing at my target and I start having flashbacks on Mj" I can't believe I killed him...........I killed my own friend....." I whisper under my breathe. Tears start to welt in my eyes and I fall to the ground stabbing my sword into it. Tears stream down my face as the flash backs continue
Flashback to his death
The final parts of the battle where happening and u had to kill him I sliced down Mj in a quick swoop the dark lord just stared and looked at me and he said " I didn't think you had a heart as cold as mine, and now he's dead because of you I hope you enjoy living with that ta-ta and then he disappeared and the battle was over
Flashback over
" he's dead.......and it's my fault" I quietly sob in the woods over his death and then I end up sobbing about destinies. She didn't deserve to die and neither did Mj. But in the far bushes I hear a noise of laughter. I shoot up wiping tears of my face and grabbing my sword out of the ground " WHO GOES THERE " I shout " me " I suddenly see I figure threw the darkness it scares me and I'm not sure whether to hug him or keep interrogating " so little daisy flower is wondering why I'm alive huh " his voice sounds different..... almost corrupted " well your not the only one who can make the mission from hells gates so here I am. I stare at him in disbelief and I don't know what to say I'm just frozen with my jaw dropped and my sword half up " well are you going to talk or am I gonna just stand here all night" he says with a smirk " I-I " I caught my breathe and then continued to speak" I see that, and no hard feelings about the battle I never meant to kill you honestly but it was my duty and I followed threw" my face full and strait I didn't move until he responded " I understand but I'm sorry for what I'm going to have to do to you " he says " that doesn't sound genuine or honest " I say " that's because it isn't so night night " he shoots a dart at me and within seconds I'm struck dead still " now let's move back to the darkness realm because your pretty heavy " he says and then drags me threw a portal he then drags me to his castle "  here it is " he says. I'm still stuck still I can't move a muscle but within five minutes I can move again but I don't let him know that. He takes me down the dungeons where surprisingly I see Mj again standing in a cell looking at me with sad eyes. I look at the guy dragging me then Mj and I keep switching between the two. But to late for me because he throws me in the dungeon cell " great, just great " I say letting out a sigh " well his wasn't how I reimagined meeting you again " Mj says " me neither I thought you were dead and I was crying in the forest for about 1 hour before 'you' appeared and were being a total asshole " I say " well 1 it's not to far from the truth and 2 this should be cake for you to get out of " he says " same for you " I reply " well it doesn't work well if your powers are drained but your naturally strong so I think you have a better chance " he says " okay here it goes" I say as I go up to the cell door and rip it off with one arm " it worked ! " I shout " yeah it did now can you come help me ? " he says " oh yeah right " I say as I walk over to his cell and pull his door off " we're free.... so now what ? " " I don't know

Hey guys that's it for today
Have a nice day// or night!

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