Who are you?

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Alama walks into the forest to a huge gorge that has four waterfalls on each sides and wyverns of many colours flying around inside. Alama walks past it and to a overgrowthed part of trees and walks inside it to a small pond with a waterfall and the sun glistening on it. The place is absolutely beautiful to sum it up

Alama's POV
I'm finally here time to practise. I walk up to a pedant in small stone like table I kneel down, close my eyes and focus very hard with my hands over the pendant. I'm so close I can feel it but I can feel a strange presence. I'm out of focus mode now and on high alert again. I stand up and look behind I hear another noise. My sword automatically manifests in my hands and I'm in my trainer guardian form(picture above) I peer around paying close attention to the trees. AH HA I SPOTTED THE THING and now it's standing in front of me I wonder what I should do she has white hair and purple eyes like me. I wonder who she is?

Iv just noticed, she has 2 male guards I hope they aren't trouble I really do

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Iv just noticed, she has 2 male guards I hope they aren't trouble I really do. The girl speaks she has a very graceful voice" hello traveler how are you still alive being this far out in the forest you should really go home" "I am no traveler I am the guardian of this forest who may you be ,speak!" I say with a powerful tone" please stay calm I don't want to hurt you "she says" I'm not afraid to battle you" I say annoyedly" ha you really think you can take me I am the daughter of someone very special and I am something very special"she says "don't get to cocky I'm in the same situation daughter of the moon guardianess, princess of the light soon to be queen "I say. She gasps, her expression changed completely and she looked shocked "y-yo-you a- - a ALAMA "she says. How did she know my name I'm so confused?! "How did you know my name who are you !" I say "I'm Ophelia daughter of the moon princess of light but I'm not first in line you were born 3 seconds earlier "she says with a spark in her eye" y-your WHO NOW. WHAT THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE I HAVE FIVE SISTERS I WAS ALL SEPERATED FROM DONT TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS YOU DEMON"I say angered "well I am a demon and so are your but we're tahia's good demons "Ophelia says" are you really her don't lie please I miss my sisters dearly " I say letting my emotions slide threw "I am is melody here?" Ophelia says" no she's in a village I dropped her off there long ago
Alama explains what happened 14 years ago .opehelia and alama catch up and they talk for hours among hours back to alama

Alama's POV
Are you ever planning on finding melody?" Says Ophelia" I'm not sure I have a lot to do and a wars coming up that I have to lead time just isn't doing well for me right now but I wish I had the pleasure like that" I say " alama why don't I take you to the village I'm guessing you've never been there I can take you so many places that are amazing!!!" Ophelia says happily "that actually sounds okay let's do it but I must be back by sun down I do have to protect after all"I say "okay sounds great let's go it's not too far maybe will find melody " Ophelia says. I wish I really wish

Ophelia and Alama walk to the near by village. They walk around for a bit just chatting and then alama spots someone she's longed to see for many many years

Alama's POV
I SEE SOMEONE I THINK ITS HER I HOPE ITS HER PLEASE BE HER . "That's her she's right there" I say trying to keep my composure "go over there. Iv never seen melody before so I wouldn't know whether is was her or not so go for it champ"Ophelia says

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