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Unfortunately we girls forget that:

Boys are people too. 

Boys make mistakes too.

Boys are not perfect people.

Boys don't deserve to be seen as perfect, infallible beings.

After all, this isn't Twilight and you aren't Bella Swan and your crush/guy friend/ boyfriend is NOT Edward Cullen. 

Many girls fall into a trap of seeing their significant other as these perfect, invisible superheroes (maybe not exactly how I'm wording it, but you probably see my point), placing expectations on them that cannot be met. This is a form of idolatry. 

Okay, so maybe he's a good guy who nearly fulfills all the key points of your list of qualities that you might have made earlier. But does he really deserve to be held to expectations that are impossible to achieve?

However, there is nothing wrong with having standards. 

I've seen a thing that said, "Don't get married or be in a serious relationship with someone unless you'd be proud to have a child exactly like them."

Learn about him. Get to know some of family and some of his friends. Do things with him that require interaction with others. Watch how he treats his siblings, peers, parents, and strangers. Is he respectful and kind to them? Is he genuine in his faith or is he faking it? Is he honest? Does he act one way around you and then act differently around others? Is he manipulative? Does he display a lot of the characteristics of a sociopath, narcissist, or psychopath? Does he like puppies and kittens or is he completely opposed to them? Does he respect your boundaries? 

Most importantly, does he love God more than you?

"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

- Proverbs 13: 20

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