The Stolen Flute

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In the midst of a terrible thunderstorm, the students of Hogwarts returned. Screaming and shrieking in mock fear, they leapt from the carriages and raced into the castle. Shaking rain off their long black cloaks, they proceeded toward the Great Hall amongst friends and housemates. A trail of mud marked the passing of many booted feet, marring the stone floors that had been carefully polished and shone for the new school year.

Pausing just inside the door, Harry glanced over his shoulder and watched as the sky was painted gold for a very brief moment. Shivering, he raised a hand and brushed droplets of rain from his limp black hair. Muttering under his breath, he slid his cloak off and draped it over his arm before slogging after his friends.

Sitting down on the bench next to Ron, he winced as his wet pants squished loudly. The redhead next to him grinned devilishly and reached under the table to pull his shoes off. Smirking, he tipped the shoe over and watched as muddy water began to create a puddle beneath them.

"Terrible weather." Dean commented, wielding a butter knife against Seamus's fork in pretend battle. Grinning in amusement, the surrounding Gryffindors cheered the duelists on. Their laughter and cheers drew the unwanted attention of Professor Snape, who prowled closer at the clinking and ringing of metal on metal

"How amusing." He snarled, a wave of his wand sending the weapons floating into his waiting hand. "Detention, the pair of you." He purred, black eyes sweeping over the seething lions as they stared angrily up at him. Turning his back on them, he continued on his way to the Head Table, claiming his place and sitting down silently.

"I think they just beat our second year record." Ron mused, elbowing Harry and nodding at the pouting pair sitting unhappily across from them. Sighing and shaking his head shamefully, he rested a hand over his heart. "I honestly believed that record would stand long after we had left this place."

Plastering a mournful look on his face, Harry wrapped an arm around Ron's shoulder. "There's always next year." He consoled playfully, shaking his head and wiping away an imaginary tear. "Plenty of time to set some new ones this year as well. Most accumulated time spent in the hospital wing, longest detention ever received, most chocolate frogs eaten in five minutes, first person in the history of Hogwarts to have to have their stomach pumped for eating too much chocolate, and the list goes on."

Sniffing, Ron sat up and puffed his chest out. "You're absolutely right, Harry. It's to early to give up." He stated, one fist slamming the table in emphasis.

"The sorting will be starting soon." Hermione whispered, offering the wizards sitting around her a threatening look as their banter quickly escalated in volume. Leaning forward, she beckoned Harry closer. "Well?"

Smiling sheepishly, he nodded and ran his fingers through his shaggy hair. "I sent Hedwig on the way here." He mumbled, shoving Ron playfully as the redhead elbowed him.

Squealing in excitement, Hermione sat back and clapped her hands. Her face was glowing with her eagerness over getting to study an ancient journal from Harry's family. "I hope it get's here soon." She whispered as Professor McGonagall led the first years forward for the sorting. Feet tapping the floor anxiously, she turned her attention to the sorting hat.

Ron raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to Harry. "What's she on about now?" He hissed in confusion, stopping to clap loudly as a young witch was placed in Gryffindor.

"You remember the letter I received earlier? Well I sent a reply requesting the journal be sent to me at once." Harry whispered back, hiding the fact he was talking by placing his elbows on the table and setting his face into his upturned palms. He watched Ron out of the corner of eye, waiting to see what the redhead thought of his actions.

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