An Age Old Battle

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Draco awoke to the soft patter of rain on the windows. He blinked sleepily and cuddled back into the warmth pressed against him, peering through half opened eyes at the slip of gray sky visible before him. Thunder rumbled angrily somewhere in the distance, the booming sound reverberating through the old manor and shaking the glass in its frame. Sighing, the blond molded himself more firmly against Harry, ignoring the screaming voice in his head.

He lay still for several minutes, enjoying the warmth and feeling of contentment that filled the room. The feeling of being watched had him opening his eyes and twisting carefully around, expecting to find himself staring into a pair of blazing emeralds. Instead, twin balls of amber fire greeted his pale orbs.

"Go," he mumbled, waving a hand over the raven-haired wizard's body in an effort to shoo the small Sandtongue away. Groaning, he lifted a hand and pushed his hair back as the Mage pranced eagerly around to his side of the bed. Compressing his lips, Draco frowned at the little dragon. "I don't want to play with you." He informed the Sandtongue.

Hissing, the Mage reared back and balanced easily on its hind legs. Unfurling her long wings with a snap, she parted her jaws and revealed glistening fangs. Strings of highly venomous saliva slid down the dripping canines to splatter on the floor.

Draco narrowed his eyes at the threat; reaching up and pulling the silver chain free of his green and silver Quidditch jersey. Swinging back and forth upon the chain's apex, the Dragon's Maw whispered silent promises, its length shining seductively. The blond smiled as the Mage's pupils dilated, the tip of her nose shifting left and right in time with the miniature instrument. He detached the flute carefully, resting it in the palm of his hand while he searched for his wand.

Grinning at the expression of delight on the Sandtongue's face, he murmured a charm and watched as the instrument resized itself. "You want to sing, do you?" He whispered, shooting Harry's still form a quick look before sliding free of the blankets and standing. Beneath his feet the floor was cold, the hard wood retaining no warmth. Shouldering deeper into his Quidditch cloak, he crept toward the window and stared out.

Rain pounded the ground mercilessly, the trees rolling and bending with the strong wind that whistled through their branches. Along the cliff's edge, a large black form could just be seen huddled among the hissing grasses. Lightning flickered high in the sky above the manor, tendrils of gold stretching toward the choppy waters of the broiling ocean. Thunder clapped and banged fiercely, spooking the blond momentarily.

Chuckling over his own fear, Draco lifted the flute to his mouth and wiggled his fingers over the intricately engraved keys. He closed his eyes as he began to play, allowing the music to consume him. The roar of thunder and the tapping of rain faded from his ears, replaced by rounded notes and the melodic rumble of the Sandtongue. His fingers flew gracefully, landing without fault or error. Without thinking, he shifted from an old lullaby to the music recorded in the journal. Brow drawing down as he played the piece from his memory.

"Stop!" Harry barked from the bed.

Draco whirled around and lowered the flute, glaring at the raven-haired wizard with arched eyebrows. "What?" He asked sharply, his ears ringing from the high pitched squeak of a misplayed note. The silence of the room had him frowning and turning back to the window, his pale eyes widening at the sight before him.

The thunder and lightning had halted, leaving the sky empty and quiet. A gentle spring rain tinkled against the windowpane, almost nonexistent as it too drew to a finish. The sun peeped past fluffy white clouds, chasing away the dark gray shadows that had hung over the dilapidated manor.

"Merlin," the blond breathed, arms falling to his sides.

"Something's not right." Harry said, crawling across the bed to get to the window. His steps were harried as he paused next to Draco, narrowed eyes sweeping the horizon. Tipping his head as if to listen to something only he could hear, the raven-haired wizard let out a loud curse and swung around.

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