Singing Dragons

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An unnatural chill had settled upon the dark corridors of the abandoned manor, flooding the rooms and sending shivers up the spines of the wizards who wandered it. Beams of moonlight cris-crossed the path Harry had taken, creating a dappled pattern on the floors. The scuff and thud of his boots reverberated down the hall, stirring dust from the wall brackets and chandeliers.

With the cold had come exhaustion and weariness, both weighing heavily upon the raven-haired wizard's shoulders. Blinking tiredly, Harry pushed open yet another door and peered into the gloom. The bedroom smelled of rotting wood, moonlight glittering upon the shards of broken glass scattered across the floor under the window. Swinging his wand before him, he shuddered as loud squeaks and the rustle of small wings filled his ears. He sighed warily as he raised his eyes, meeting the beady orbs of the dozens of tiny bats clinging to the curtains and ceiling.

Backing from the room, he closed the door and thudded his head against the wood in disbelief. Seven bedrooms he'd examined and not one of them inhabitable. Groaning, he cracked one eye and looked down the hall in time to see Malfoy come blundering backwards around the corner. The blond was snarling something angrily while waving his wand in the pointed face of the golden dragon trailing after him.

Rolling his emerald eyes, Harry stepped away from the door and placed his hands on his hips. "Ignore her, Malfoy." He called loudly, smirking as the blond shot him an angered look over one of his narrow shoulders.

Shaking his head over the blond's antics, he froze and narrowed his gaze as a pair of double doors caught his attention. The wood glowed softly. Pale light seeping through the crack at the bottom. Ignoring the grumbles and curses drifting up the corridor, he turned and walked slowly toward the doors. Placing a shaking hand on the handle, he cast a look heavenward before turning the knob and pushing the dark wood inward.

"Finally," he whispered. The windows along two walls stood clean and unbroken, moonlight drifting past the panes. Small motes of dust danced before the tip of his wand, falling silently to the floor. Gliding forward, he cautiously approached the bed sitting forlornly in the center of the room. Blankets of greys and soft blues spilled over its sides and brushed the surrounding dais. Pillows of various colours and sizes had been haphazardly tossed upon the uneven surface. The slamming of the doors had him jumping and whipping around, the glowing tip of his wand directed at the wizard leaning breathlessly against the wood.

A graceful eyebrow arched as the wand remained leveled. "Excellent find, Scarhead. Now where are you going to sleep?" Draco asked as he eyed the bed in appreciation. He pushed himself away from the door and stalked lazily toward Harry, brushing aside the wand as if it were nothing more then a feather.

Harry's mouth fell open at the blond's impertinence. Placing his hands on his hips, he swung around and followed the Slytherin's slow path around the room. "It's the only liveable bedroom, Malfoy. We'll have to share, you do know what that is, don't you?" He taunted, partially wanting the blond to draw his wand and fire the first curse.

"I'm familiar with the concept." Draco muttered, fingering his wand but leaving it hidden within his pocket where he'd jammed it. Sighing, he kicked one of the wide stairs encircling the bed and waited for the raven-haired wizard to make the first move.

Stomping toward the bed, Harry climbed the stairs and dropped to his knees atop the grey blanket. He swiped several of the pillows to the floor carelessly, searching for the edge of the blanket. Shooting the blond one last threatening glare, he slid under several of the thick blankets and curled into a ball.

"Move over, Potter." Draco grumbled, prodding the raven-haired wizard's shoulder with the tip of a finger. He smiled when one emerald eye popped open and narrowed in anger. "It's the only usable bedroom." He reminded sweetly, internally grinning as the Gryffindor grimaced and wiggled closer to the edge of the bed.

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