Pensieve Thoughts

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Harry slammed into the floor and groaned, rolling over and pushing himself slowly to his hands and knees. Blinking, he rose to his feet and looked around the shadowed room, freezing when his eyes landed on the figure sitting across from him. For one minute, he thought he was looking at Lucius Malfoy.

It took him a moment of rationalizing and a narrowed eyed glance at the blond to notice his jaw was just a little squarer, his eyes a deeper shade of blue. Heaving a relieved sigh, he flopped into the chair before the wizard and leaned forward, eyes scanning the documents scattered upon the black wood.

The sound of someone approaching had him turning in the chair, eyes widening as a raven-haired witch breezed through the library doors. Scarlet skirts swirled around her legs as she stalked forward, a sheaf of papers held tightly in her right hand. With a peeved huff, she slapped the stack of parchment down in front of the blond wizard and dropped directly into the seat Harry was occupying. "Reggie, you said you'd take care of this."

Peeling himself out of the chair, Harry stood and shook his robes out, grimacing at the ache growing in his stomach. Frowning down at the witch, he extended a hand and ghosted his fingers over her cheek.

"I've spoken with my father, he said the subject was closed." The blond wizard murmured, setting the quill he held atop the papers the witch had scattered. "There's nothing that I can do, Rav."

Blue eyes burning, the witch slid forward in her chair and placed her hands on the edge of the desk. "It's a legally sanctioned massacre. You and I both know it." Raveana whispered, casting a quick look over her shoulder at the doors she'd left open. She slid one of her hands forward and caught one of his, stilling the quill he was rolling back and forth. "Please Reggie, try again."

Reginald Malfoy nodded slowly, turning the hand she held over and interlacing their fingers. "Of course, my sweet." Thus said, he raised her hand to his lips and placed a quick kiss upon the back.

The graceful movement drew Harry's eyes to their joined hands. Identical rings encircled the third finger on their left hands, the metal grating together as the pair shifted closer. Upon the surface of the gold, a sleek dragon was sprawled, leaving no doubt in Harry's mind that it was the same ring Raveana still wore upon her hand. As they rose and leaned over the desk, the thought ended, slamming him unceremoniously into a different memory.

Lying upon a floor, he shifted and found himself staring at a pair of well-made boots. Groaning, he stood and swiped at his torn Quidditch uniform, his eyes widening as he stared at a picture that he had seen before. Jerking around in confusion, he glanced at Reginald, noting the reddened eyes and the paler than normal face.

"Make sure they're straight." The blond snapped, shifting back and forth as he glared at the two men installing new doors. In what could of been a fit of fury, he threw something into the dark room, the faint clink as it landed resounding in the silence. Beyond the men, Raveana's library of dragons was heavily shadowed, its uneven stacks of books sitting untouched. As soon as the doors were settled upon their hinges, the men fled the hall, leaving the blond standing silently before the dark wood.

Reaching out, Reginald ran his fingers over the wood in a soft caress of finality. Stepping back, he drew his wand and began to whisper a spell. With a last flick, the doors glowed dark green, sealing themselves closed until the blond's murmured conditions were met. "It's done." He whispered to himself before turning and walking through Harry.

The thought ended there, dumping Harry into another before he could break free of the pensieve's grasp. Picking himself up off the floor again, he peered around the darkened room before moving toward the three figures standing huddled together in front of an altar.

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