A Library of Dragons

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Draco narrowed his eyes and stared into the surrounding darkness. His breath hitched in his throat as a low rumble crept from the shadows, the soft sound vibrating the floor beneath him. Sprawled across his lap in an unconscious heap, Harry stirred and moaned softly. The dark-haired wizard's wand lay forgotten on the floor, the faint sphere of light it cast throwing shifting shapes onto the walls. A pair of shimmering orbs snapped into existence beyond the faint glow, gleaming ethereally.

Gritting his teeth, Draco struggled to wiggle from under Harry's weight, eyes locked on the amber globes hovering just within the cover of darkness. "Move, Potter." He hissed softly, fingers buried deep within the red and gold silk of the Gryffindor's Quidditch uniform. He rolled his eyes as the other wizard shifted and rubbed his nose on the green shirt he wore.

Grimacing, the blond began to consider his chances of surviving should he offer the Gryffindor up as a sacrifice. The decision was taken from him as a small black horn breached the light, followed by the sleek golden muzzle of the small Sandtongue.

"Potter, I suggest you get up." Draco snarled, shaking the other wizard forcefully as he found himself under the stare of the little dragon. His hands clutched convulsively on the jersey he held, fingers pressing ruthlessly into hidden flesh.

With a squirm and a groan, Harry came awake. Upon opening his emerald eyes, he found himself under the angered gaze of Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be caught between pushing him away and holding him closer. A deep growl had him freezing and turning his head slowly. "Sandtongue." He whispered, blinking slowly as the dragon dipped its muzzle and hissed. Spittle flew from between dagger like fangs, stinging and burning its way through flesh and cloth.

With a startled oath, Draco shoved Harry off his lap and raised a hand to rub the burning spot on his cheek. His sudden movement had the gold dragon grumbling and lashing its tail, amber eyes following the quick swipe of his pale fingers. "It burns." He murmured in amazement, surprise colouring his words. The heels of his boots slipped on the floor as he tried to push himself backwards while using Harry as an unknowing shield.

"Don't move." Harry ordered quietly, one hand clamping around Draco's thigh to keep him from scuttling backwards. The Sandtongue raised its hooked muzzle and growled, lips curling back to flash teeth swimming in poisonous saliva. Both wizards cringed as a drop of drool slid down a long fang, landing with a soft plop on the toe of the blond's boot.

Opening his mouth on a groan of dismay, Draco found his exclamation muffled by a callused palm. Icy eyes narrowed sharply, temper rising as rough fingernails bit into his cheeks. In a lightening quick movement, he reached up and jerked Harry's hand from his face. "Don't touch me!" He shrieked angrily, cringing as the words ricocheted off the corridor walls.

Harry's entire body tensed as Draco's words faded away, replaced by complete silence. His muscles were just beginning to loosen when the Sandtongue threw back its angular head and roared. Black tipped wings unfurled in an explosion of movement, the soft snap and rustle filling the hall. Pupils dilated and narrowed in a mixture of fear and anger, the small dragon's body shaking with restrained energy. "Be quiet." His soft whisper fell into the lull, drawing the golden eyes to his own shining emeralds.

The dragon's head tipped slowly to the left and her nostrils quivered. Wings scraped along the walls as they were stretched to their limits, closing seconds later in a liquid movement. Fangs vanished smoothly behind gleaming gums, amber eyes focused on Harry. She slid forward silently, neck arched as she sniffled loudly. The tip of her nose bumped the sole of Harry's boot, causing both dragon and wizard to jump.

"What's it doing?" Draco spat into Harry's ear, his fingers clenching in the cloth of the other wizard's jersey. Glaring around the mop of black hair obscuring his vision, he tensed as the dragon crept further up their bodies. "Get it off." He whispered, attempting to pry the Gryffindor's fingers from his thigh.

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