The Contents of Vault 235

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Harry jogged up the stairs and strode quickly toward Dumbledore's office. He halted before the gargoyle guarding the passage and rattled off several different types of candy, smiling when the large statue creaked and began to slide out of the way. Moving forward, he rode the stairs upward, his gaze locked on the door growing closer with every cracking thud. When he reached the top, he stepped forward and raised his hand to knock on the door, shaking his head when 'enter' was called before his fist could connect with the wood.

"I need to go to Gringotts," the raven-haired wizard stated, striding across the room and sliding into one of the seats adjacent to the Headmaster. He folded his hands in his lap, dipping his chin slightly and focusing his intent gaze on the older wizard.

Albus Dumbledore frowned and sat back in his chair, absently rolling the quill he held between his fingers. He lifted his gaze to the clock hanging upon the wall, his lips firming as he turned his attention back to the younger wizard. "Aren't you supposed to be in Potions Class, my boy?"

Harry waved the question away, leaning forward in his chair and widening his eyes. "I need to go to Gringotts, now." He returned steadily, ignoring the sigh the gray-bearded wizard heaved at the repeated question.

Realizing that no matter what argument he brought up, the Gryffindor would persist in his demands, Albus sighed and rubbed the side of his face wearily. "If it's that important, Harry, I'll allow you to go. Of course, you'll have to be accompanied by myself-"

"No," Harry bit out, standing slowly. "A portkey to Gringotts and back will be enough. Of course, if you don't want to provide me with one of those, I can find my own transportation." He allowed a smile to creep across his face, knowing that the threat would easily be understood. Currently occupying themselves on the Quidditch pitch, eight of the most powerful dragons in the world were lazing, ready to accept any request Harry made of them.

Acknowledging the fact that a much younger and inexperienced wizard had just out maneuvered him, Dumbledore relented. Taking up his wand, he reached out and grabbed a spare piece of parchment from the pile on his desk. With a quiet whisper and a quick flick of his wrist, the parchment was engulfed in a blue haze. "Only to Gringotts and back." He reminded, holding the paper out to Harry.

Harry nodded in acceptance, lifting the portkey from his professor's hand and backing up a few steps. He flicked his gaze to Dumbledore's and arched an eyebrow. "The word?" He questioned softly, drawing his own wand and holding it above the portkey.

"Dragon," Dumbledore replied evenly, noticing the slight flinch the dark-haired wizard gave. With a nod, Harry gave the magic word and was whisked away.


Hermione bit her lip and glanced at Hagrid, her entire body tensing at the angered squawk emitted from the black dragon struggling on the grass before them. Taking a few cautionary steps backward, she folded her arms and began tapping the toe of one boot, scanning the chaos that had began shortly after Harry had fled the pitch.

What had at first appeared to be a simple game of flying tag had escalated into a flight for survival and ended in disaster. The dark dragon had apparently been it and decided that the much smaller Sandtongue made a perfect target, which had started the brutal chase. After narrowly avoiding a bite that would have severed her tail in half, the little gold executed a sharp dive and shot through one of the large Quidditch hoops, merrily leading the other dragon into an unavoidable collision with the metal ring.

Cringing as the massive Siberian Shade flapped her wings and lashed her tail, the Gryffindor witch shot the half-giant an annoyed look and arched an eyebrow. "Well?"

"Dragons," Hagrid rasped, lifting his hands and rubbing his eyes in disbelief. "Mage Dragons."

"Yes, now what do we do with them?" Hermione demanded in exasperation, dropping her arms and widening her eyes. Shaking her head, she gestured widely at the dragons currently entertaining themselves in various, and mostly destructive, ways across the sprawling lawn. "They're wrecking everything!" She yelped as the black dragon bellowed and made a wild grab for the Sandtongue tauntingly perched just beyond her reach, succeeding only in dragging her metal leash a few inches further.

The Dragons of RaveanaWhere stories live. Discover now