The Keeping of Dragons

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Harry stood upon the Quidditch pitch, the sun warm upon his back. A soft wind swept around him, sliding gentle fingers through his hair and dragging his dark cloak against his legs. Before him, the length of the pitch stood empty, the neatly trimmed grasses pure and gleaming with dew. Raising a hand to scratch the side of his head, he twisted and froze. His brow drew down in confusion as he stared at the rippling cloth of the Ravenclaw stands, the blue and black material fluttering gently. Glancing slowly around, he scanned the pitch in search of the Mage Dragons, stilling completely when his gaze landed on Raveana. He turned to face the witch, waiting patiently for her to arrive at his side.

"You have need of me," the raven-haired witch stated as she strode across the grass toward him. She tipped her head back and glanced skyward as she glided forward, one small hand lifting to shield her eyes. Her skirts swirled around her legs, allowing him to see the dainty black boots she wore as well as the silver hilt of the dagger tucked into the leather.

Harry bit his lip and raised his chin to peer at the sky, hands balling into fists as he considered her words. Nodding slowly, he dropped his gaze back to her. "I suppose I do." He admitted reluctantly.

Raveana lowered her chin slowly, locking eyes with him. A small smile curved her lips and she bobbed her head lightly, as if she had known the answer all along. "I, Raveana, have not the power or strength you will require to complete your task. You must look elsewhere for that aid, young Harry."

"But-" Harry began, only to snap his mouth shut when the witch lifted a hand gracefully and arched a dark eyebrow. Frowning, he clamped his lips together and glowered at her, hands balling into fists upon his hips. His eyes followed the slow movement of her index finger, widening when they landed on the dragon standing silently behind him.

"I am merely a fragment of a memory, a piece of the past brought alive in your mind." Raveana whispered, walking toward the massive red Mage with a hand outstretched. She murmured something quietly to the dragon, her splayed fingers smoothing over his silky scales in a loving gesture. Giving the beast one last caress, she turned and paced toward him, halting when her skirts slapped against his legs.

Harry stared into her shimmering emerald eyes; close enough to see the small bubbles of blue that rose within the orbs. "What can I do? How can I protect them when I already have the entire fate of the wizarding world resting on my shoulders? " He demanded in frustration, clenching his jaw as he waited for her to respond.

"The knowledge you need lays at your fingertips, all you need to do is reach out and grab it." Smiling sweetly, Raveana reached out and touched a cool fingertip to his cheek before taking a slow step backwards. "Great power awaits, you must only look for it and it will find you. When you feel weak, reach for the dragon, he has the strength to carry you through even the worst of battles." Bowing her head in a silent goodbye, she turned and began to walk away, hair and cloak whipping in the wind.

"Aren't you going to push me off a cliff?" Harry hollered at her back, stomping a few steps after her retreating form. Shaking his head over the tangle of riddles and bullshit she'd just fed him, he narrowed his eyes and cursed angrily. Seconds after the words had left his mouth, the earth beneath his feet opened and he found himself falling toward a pool of dark water.


Harry sat up with a gasp, the journal that had been resting upon his chest sliding onto his lap and falling open. Lifting a hand, he rubbed his face and glanced up at the sky, finding the expanse a pale blue. Yawning widely, he shifted and picked the leather journal up, peering at the book as if it held the answer to all his problems. Shaking his head, he snorted loudly before raising a hand and raking his fingers through his hair.

The Dragons of RaveanaWhere stories live. Discover now