Stolen by Dragons

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Harry awoke to the smell of salt in his nose and the screaming of gulls in his ears. Blue water rolled and slammed against the cliffs beneath them, mist spraying into the air with every crash. Gasping at the sudden loosening of the dragon's silver claws, he wrapped his arm around a glistening talon and pressed his back to her chest. As if reminded of his presence, the animal rumbled and hauled him closer to her dark scales.

Under the rays of light, the black scales were lined with small silver streaks, visible only due to his proximity. "Beautiful," he whispered, extending a shaking hand and resting it on the dark animal's crest. Under his touch, the dragon flinched. Muscles tightening in warning.

Withdrawing his intruding hand, he settled it back upon the talon he clung to. A wailing crow that reminded him of distant thunder turned his head. Wings churning hard, the white and gold dragon parted its mouth and bellowed again. Harry cringed at the sound, turning his face into the black dragon's side. The dark dragon's chest vibrated as she snarled a response, long wings slapping down harder then necessary.

The sudden flare of wings and tilting motion had him peering ahead. Standing back from the high cliffs was a dark manor. Sunlight glinted off the remaining panes of glass resting in the window frames. Shingles loosened by strong winds had been ruthlessly torn away and left rafters exposed to the elements. Several outbuildings had toppled due to neglect, stone and wood jumbled together around their foundations.

His mouth fell open as the dragon began her descent, aiming for the high cliffs above the abandoned manor. Lying still upon the precipice, a red dragon raised his head and barked a greeting. His long wings opened slowly, revealing their golden undersides. A flurry of movement from the nearby forest drew Harry's attention, eyes widening as two more dragons slipped from the trees.

Brilliant green scales adorned the smaller, marred only by the line of silver traveling from the tip of her muzzle to the hooked tail sweeping the grass behind her. The larger threw back his head and exposed glistening fangs, his call ringing loudly. Opening blue wings, the male reared back and flapped hard, grasses bending under the rush of air.

The ground rushed by startlingly fast as his dragon began landing preparations.. Her head tipped back suddenly, wind whistling around her wings as she flared and extended her back legs for contact. Harry gasped for breath as he was jolted hard, hands scrambling for anything to hold onto. It was an awkward landing to say the least, the dragon unable to extend her front talons due to her grip on him. Fanning lightly with her silver edged wings, she dropped him before collapsing to all four feet.

Harry hissed as a long talon missed his head by centimeters, rolling quickly in the other direction. The thunder of wings had him freezing and glancing past the black dragon's arched neck. Flaring gold tipped wings, the white dragon came to rest gently upon the ground. His tail slithered along the grass as he used it to maintain his balance, wings opened slightly behind him. A ruffled and fuming Draco was deposited softly upon the waving grass at the beast's feet.

"Malfoy?" Harry called, shifting slowly on the ground. His tentative actions drew the attention of all five dragons, ten shimmering eyes locked on him. Closing his own orbs, he lowered himself to the ground and waited to be eaten

"This is all your fault, Potter!" Draco raged, climbing to his feet and swiping angrily at his mussed Quidditch robes. His frantic movements caused the silver chain to slip from its hiding spot, the flute swinging gently. The dragons tilted their heads and focused on the small piece of swinging metal, pupils dilating.

"Um, Malfoy? Maybe you sho-"

"Shut up, Scarhead! If your stupid ancestor had let mine kill them we wouldn't have this problem." Draco snapped, planting his hands on his hips and leveling his icy orbs on the raven-haired wizard.

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