Chapter 3

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We all started walking around the rest of the park. Cameron was still holding my hand and I had no idea what this meant. I definitely wasn't going to let go. It felt right. Wait. Was Matt giving Danielle a piggy back ride? I couldn't stop laughing she looked so scared. Probably worried he was gunna drop her. I was looking around and realized Jacob and Mahogany had disappeared. Shawn and Jules were in the back of the group talking. They were pretty damn close to each other.

We all stopped in front of a crazy ride. It was a ride where everyone sat in a circle and the ride would flip and turn and spin and it definitely looked fun. You could tell from Cameron's face that he wanted to go on. All the boys started getting on the ride except for Matt, Shawn, Taylor, and Cameron. I realized why they weren't getting on and I started laughing.

They didn't want to leave us and thought we were too scared to get on. Cameron looked at me questioning why I was laughing. I just smiled at him and dragged him on to the ride. That definitely put a smile on his face. The other girls realized the same thing and dragged the guys with them on to the ride. We were sitting waiting for the ride to start when Cameron looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked wondering why he was smiling at me so much.

"I thought you were scared that's why I didn't want to get on." He said laughing.

"Me? Scared? Never." I smirked at him and then the ride started.

It was so much fun and I couldn't stop screaming. We were all a little dizzy afterwards.

For the next couple of hours we all went on some crazy rides together. It was so much fun. The music got louder as it got darker outside. Just standing there listening to the music laughing and joking with these amazing people in a fun place was enough to just make you want to never leave. I smiled so much and I didn't want the night to end. We were all just standing around talking about where to go next. Cameron was standing behind me and hugging me from the back. He was resting his chin on my head. We had talked a lot through the day and I couldn't believe how perfect he was. He was funny and such a sweetheart and just completely amazing.

"Gia what's your twitter?" Matt asked me. Danielle was sitting on his lap giggling. Oh boy. She was up to something.

"Oh don't worry I know it I'll tell you." Khayli said smirking before I could even answer. What the hell I going on?

"Wait what I'm confused why?"

Matt put down his phone and smiled. "Oh nothing. Just wondering."

That was really weird.

Before I could ask more questions we all decided to go over to the arcade and play a couple of games.

Taylor decided to go against Gilinsky in one of those carnival basketball games that are always rigged. Taylor won by one shot. He got a superman cape and wore it around the for the rest of the night. He looked so ridiculous it was hilarious.

Cameron won me a teddy bear that was so big it was almost the same size as me. Shawn won jules a goldfish. It was so hilarious watching her carry that around that Danielle, Khayli, and I laughed for 15 minutes straight. After all the games we all sat and watched everyone else having fun. We were all tired. I was sitting on Cameron's lap with the huge teddy bear next to us. Khayli was wearing Taylor's superman cape and was standing next to him and he had his arm wrapped around her waist. Shawn and Jules were standing looking at the goldfish. Jack, Jack, and Carter decided to go on a couple of rides again. Mahogany and Jacob finally came back and they were both watching videos on Jacobs phone. Aaron and Hayes went to go get food. Nash was making a vine about how much fun he had today. Danielle and Matt were holding hands talking. It was all so cute.

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