"Can we Please stop with the Tests?"

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"Tony," Bliss said,"what are you doing exactly?"

Tony hooked up the last piece of equipment to Bliss's head.

"This will show us your brain frequency and what it was up to during your coma."

Bliss shut her mouth and blinked.

"You may feel a slight pain in your head though." Tony said as he turned the device on.

"Ow!" Bliss exclaimed as she threw the device off of her head. It clattered to the floor.

"Bliss," Tony said looking at the device on the floor,"seriously."

"Can we just please stop with the tests," Bliss whined," we've been doing this for months!"

"This is to help us figure out what went wrong with you." Bruce said.

"Nothing is wrong with me, ok." Bliss had tears forming in her eyes. She cleared her throat and got off the bed. "I'm gonna be in my room if you need me." Bliss walked out of the lab and towards her room. She closed the door and locked it. Then Bliss slowly slid to the floor and started sobbing.

"Bliss." A familiar voice said.

Bliss stopped crying and looked up.

"Kyle?" Bliss whispered.

He reached out his hand for her to take. But Bliss shook her head and backed against the door.

"You're not real." Bliss had tears falling down her face.

The fake Kyle stepped closer to Bliss. She stood up and unlocked the door. When Bliss opened it, Kyle scratched her with his long black claws. Bliss ran out of her room and towards the lab. She looked at her arm and noticed black lines crawling up her arm. Her vision became blurry and Bliss started to sway here and there.

"Need to get to the lab." Bliss panted. She used the walls as support. Bliss could see the doors to the lab and she staggered towards them. Once Bliss got into the lab she slipped and grabbed onto a nearby table.

"Whoa." Bruce said as he came by Bliss's side.

"My arm." Bliss weakly pointed to her right arm.

Tony came over by Bliss and looked at her right arm. His eyes widened as he saw the black lines crawling up her arm.

"Get the antidote." Tony said to Bruce. Bruce got up and walked over to a table to search for the antidote.

"Bliss," Tony said," what happened."

"This thing that looked like Kyle was in my room," Bliss's eyes fluttered,"I tried to leave and it scratched my arm." Bliss blinked back the blurriness in her eyes. "I think the room is starting to spin." Bliss looked at Tony.

"Bruce!" Tony almost yelled," did you find it yet?!"

"I can't find it!" Bruce said worried," it's missing or something."

Tony left Bliss's side and helped Bruce search for the antidote.

Bliss slowly stood up and let go of the table. Bliss felt sick. Her head swam with nausea. Bliss looked at her right arm and gasped. It was completely covered in black ooze. Her hands were now claws. The blackness made its way onto her body now.

"Tony!" Bliss cried.

Tony turned around and gasped.

"I got it!" Bruce shouted with the antidote in his hand. He came over to Bliss and stuck the needle in her right arm.

Bliss sucked in air and exhaled. Tears pricked her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" Bliss asked both Tony and Bruce.

"We don't know exactly," Bruce said," but we need to run more tests on you."

Bliss nodded her head and tried to walk forward. When she took one step, Bliss's eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground knocked out.


Kyle paced in his room waiting for the creature to return. He was beyond furious.

"I told you not to hurt her!" Kyle shouted.

"I was using her to get to them." The creature smiled, showing his long sharp teeth.

"Don't do that!" Kyle yelled," she's important to me! I need her alive."

"Very well." The creature growled.

"Did you get it?" Kyle asked.

The creature handed Kyle a syringe full of an antidote that he needed. The creature thought Kyle needed this for something else.

Kyle took the syringe and immediately put it in his right arm. The creature screamed and hissed. It grab the sides of its head as it began to disappear. Then the creature was gone. But the antidote wouldn't last long.

"Don't worry," Kyle smiled evilly,"I'll still follow the plan for you."

Kyle then grabbed a few things and placed them in a backpack. He opened his door and headed out into the world. Kyle needed to find a new home, and he knew just the place.


Bliss kept her eyes closed and listened to the sound of her breathing. It was nice and quiet in the lab, which was oddly strange. Usually Bruce or Tony would be talking about science and what not. But it was just quiet.

Bliss slowly opened her eyes and saw her friends sitting around her.

"What happened?" Bliss asked groggily.

Bucky moved closer to his daughter.

"You passed out from the antidote that Bruce gave you."

"Antidote?" Bliss furrowed her brows.

"We'll tell you in the morning," Tony said," you're pretty tired right now."

"It feels like my head may explode." Bliss groaned.

"Just take it easy,"Bucky said," you should rest."

Bliss slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. Bucky stayed in the room with her and never left. They needed to help Bliss. Otherwise she may die from this symbiote that's inside her.

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