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Just an FYI this may be a short chapter. Anyway, hope you guys are liking this book! Thank you for all the votes for this book and my first one! Winters Bliss finally reached 2k!! Thank u guys so much! Love ya ❤️!

Bliss fell asleep in her cell and dreamed many dreams. Maybe, even visions.


"One." She was counting up.

"Two." Who is she??

"Three." Screams were heard in the background as gun shots were heard as well.

The woman standing in front of Bliss stopped counting. She looked up at her and held out her hands.

"You did this to them." The woman said,"you killed them yourself."

Bliss looked at the ground and saw her friends lying dead at her feet.

"NO!" Bliss screamed and her dream faded away, creating a new one.


"Don't leave me," Kyle was holding Bliss's dying body in his arms,"don't leave!"

Bliss's eye lids felt heavy. She felt so cold. Every time she tried to breathe it hurt.

Bliss held her left hand to the bullet wound on her chest, the other hand went to Kyle's face.

"I love you Kyle." Bliss smiled up at him as she began to cry.

Kyle shook his head as he tried not to cry. But he couldn't contain his tears any longer.

"I love you too." Kyle cried.

Bliss rubbed her thumb across his cheek. Kyle could see the life fading from her.

"I'm so tired," Bliss whispered as she felt herself begin to slip away,"so tired." Bliss's eyes began to slowly close and her last breath escaped her lips.

Kyle shook her but Bliss never woke up. He cried and cried and cried over her lifeless body.

"Why didn't you act sooner?!" Kyle yelled to himself,"she wouldn't be dead if you would've just acted quick enough." Kyle lowered his head to Bliss's and sobbed.


Bliss woke up with a feeling of wetness on her face.

"Was I crying?" Bliss thought to herself.

She got out of bed and walked to her mirror. It was mostly cracked and dirty. She was never aloud to clean it for some reason.

"The nurse!" Bliss thought to herself and smiled. The nurse was the only person in this Hydra facility that kept Bliss happy.

A knock was heard on her door and the nurse came in.

"Good morning Bliss," the nurse smiled,"how are we today?"

"I'm great." Bliss chirped.

The nurse chuckled and began her daily check up on Bliss. This happened for two years. Until it suddenly just, stopped.

A man came in today. A name tag on his shirt read the name Rumlow.

"Let's go, training time."

"Where's my nurse?" Bliss asked confused by the new comer.

"Your nurse was too distracting for you," Rumlow crossed his arms over his chest,"we had to get rid of her."

Bliss's eyes widened.

"You killed her?!" Bliss's voice started to crack.

Rumlow sighed, he was already getting annoyed by this girls emotions.

"Time for your daily swipe." Rumlow said harshly.

Then everything faded to darkness and Bliss was awoken by a sudden bang on the cell wall.

"Time to get up sweetie!" Blitz smiled evilly at Bliss,"it's time to get the gang back together."

Bliss sighed sadly and limped out of her cell only to be pushed to the floor and knocked out by the butt of a gun.

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