Getting rid of the Monster Inside

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"We can get rid of the symbiote that's inside of you." Bruce said to Kyle. He had a syringe in his hand filled with the antidote.

"You won't be able to get rid of it." Kyle chuckled.

"Kyle," Bliss said as she looked at him,"just do it, it will work. It worked for me, it will work for you."

"Fine," Kyle said,"just do it."

Bruce put the needle in Kyle's right arm and pushed the plunger. The liquid disappeared and Bruce pulled out the needle.

"Now you are officially clean." Bruce smiled.

"No, not really," Kyle said as he got off the bed,"but thanks anyway."

Bliss and Bruce looked at each other as Kyle left the lab.

"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.

"I honestly don't know." Bliss said as she went after Kyle.

"Hey," Bliss said as she caught up to Kyle,"what was that all about?"

Kyle stopped and pulled Bliss over to the side.

"Venom doesn't leave you alone until he gets what he wants." Kyle said to Bliss."you may have gotten him out of my head, but he will still come for us, for them. And he won't stop until he has us all dead!"

"Well," Bliss started,"that sure lifted my spirits."

"I'm being serious Bliss." Kyle said.

"I know you're being serious." Bliss said.

Kyle sighed and walked away, Bliss went to go after him but he told her to leave him alone.

Bliss turned around and headed towards her room. She opened her door and stepped in. Bliss closed the door behind her and turned on the lights. She jumped when she saw Venom standing in the middle of the room.

"Scream and I'll kill you." Venom said.

"What do you want." Bliss said.

Venom chuckled.

"Kyle told you what I want, and he is right. You should listen."

"If you want to kill me,"Bliss started,"then do it now."

Venom sighed.

"As much as I really want to right now, I want all of them to see how powerful I can be." Venom began to walk towards Bliss. Their faces were inches apart from each other's.

"I want to be the one that can successfully kill the Avengers." Venom smiled.

"That will never happen." Bliss growled.

"I beg to differ." Venom said. He smiled and disappeared.

Bliss sucked in air and let it out. She put her right hand to her heart. The pulse was fast but started to slow.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y." Bliss almost shouted,"get me my dad and Bruce."

"They should be here shortly." The female computer responded.

The door to Bliss's room opened and Bliss ran to her father and hugged him tightly. She began to cry.

"Bliss, what's wrong?" Bucky looked at his daughter worried.

"He was here!" Bliss tried to control her fear,"Venom, he was here, in my room!"

"Where did he go?" Bucky asked.

"He disappeared." Bliss said.

"Do he hurt you or anything?" Bruce asked.

"No," Bliss replied,"he said that he wants to be the one that can successfully kill the Avengers. He also said that he wants us all to see how powerful he can be."

"Go see what Kyle is up to, just to take your mind off of things ok?" Bucky smiled.

"Okay." Is all Bliss said. She put a piece of blonde hair behind her ear and headed towards Kyle's room. Bliss knocked on his door and it opened.

"Hi." Bliss said.

"Hi." Kyle replied.

Kyle stepped to the side and let Bliss in. Then he closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked as Bliss sat down on the couch.

"Venom was hiding in my room and told me how he can't wait to kill all of us." Bliss sighed sadly.

Kyle sat down next to Bliss.

"I won't let him get to your friends, and I won't let him get to you." Kyle smiled.

Bliss smiled and laughed a little.

"Someone feels better not having someone in their head." Bliss laughed.

"Yeah, but I got something else on my mind," Kyle smiled," well, it's actually someone."

"Who." Bliss asked.

"Can't tell you," Kyle said,"it's a secret."

"What are you five?" Bliss joked.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders.


Bliss laughed. Their conversation lasted the whole day, by they still kept on talking. Bliss laughed at Kyle's funny stories and jokes, and Kyle laughed the same with Bliss.

Kyle realized how much he missed her. He never wanted to be away from her again. Kyle told himself that he would do anything to protect Bliss, and he is going to keep that promise no matter what happens.

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