One by One

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"We need them here soon!" Venom growled at Blitz.

"I'm doing my best your majesty" Blitz said sarcastically,"they'll be here soon, I'm taking them in one by one."


"Bruce," Tony said as he spun in a chair,"how do you stay calm."

"Not now Stark." Bruce said as he looked through his microscope.

"Since when has he started calling me Stark?" Tony thought. When he saw Bruce's eyes, they flashed red.

Tony cleared his throat.

"I-I should probably go." Tony stuttered.

"Ok." Bruce said as he went back to looking into the microscope.

Tony texted Clint, Natasha, Bucky Steve, Thor and Kyle to meet at a cafe nearby.

"Tony," Clint said,"what's so urgent?"

"Something strange is happening." Tony said.

"Tony," Natasha sighed," we deal with strange everyday of our lives."

"Something's wrong with Bruce!" Tony blurted.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"His eyes seemed to flash red when I was talking to him today in the lab."

Steve ignored Tony's rambling and motioned for Thor to follow him outside.

"He knows!" Steve said through clenched teeth.

"We must warn Blitz." Thor said.

"You inform her and I'll try and get the team back to the tower. We need to take them one by one. That's the plan."

Thor nodded his head and flew towards the tower. Steve went inside to gather the team.

"Hey, Thor just left and headed back towards the tower."

"Why did he go back to the tower?" Clint asked.

"I don't know," Steve said," he looked pretty worried."

"Lets go," Tony said as he got out of his seat,"this can wait till tomorrow."


"Thor what's going on!" Clint yelled as they reached the Avengers floor.

"So glad you could make it." Blitz smiled, her eyes glowing red.

"Bliss?" Kyle furrowed his brows.

Blitz laughed.

"I'm not Bliss," Blitz smiled," I'm her doppelgänger."

"Where is she!" Bucky clenched his fists.

"She's with some friends of yours." Blitz smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Kyle asked.

"Banner, Thor, Steve, come out." Blitz kept her smile.

Banner, Thor and Steve came into the room with glowing red eyes.

"What the hell?" Tony exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to end this party." Blitz covered the rest of the team in darkness.


"Where are we?" Tony said, his voice echoing in the room.

"Stark?" Steve said.

"Captain? Where are we?" Tony moved but noticed his hands were chained to a pole.

"The whole gangs here!" Venom smiled as he walked into the room.

"Where's my daughter!" Bucky struggled against his chains as he tried to get out of them.

"Oh she's fine, she's right over there." Venom pointed towards a glass cube like prison. Inside Bliss sat with her back facing towards the whole Avengers team.

"Bliss?" Bucky breathed.

Bliss recognized the voice and immediately stood up.

"Dad?!" Bliss ran up to the glass and placed her hands on the glass wall. An electric shock was sent through her body causing her to scream and fall back.

Venom began to laugh.

"I did forget to mention that."

"I'm going to kill you once I get out of here." Bliss coughed and began to stand up.

Venom chuckled.

"I'd honestly like to see you try."

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door.

"Stay back Bliss, we don't want your visitor to suddenly stop visiting you." Venom smiled at Bliss and opened her cell door, then he yelled to the person behind the door. "Bring her in!"

Blitz came into the room, dragging Dot by the arm. She led Dot to Bliss's cell and threw her in there. Then Blitz closed the door and the walls began to hum with electricity.

"Mom!" Bliss cried as she hugged her mother.

"My baby girl!" Dot cried as she hugged her daughter.

"You got two hours," Venom said as he walked out of the room.

"Are you ok?" Dot asked her daughter.

Bliss cried with joy.

"I am now." Bliss weakly smiled.

"Dot?" Bucky said shocked.

Dot lowered her head and ignored Bucky.

"I have to go." Dot said suddenly.

Bliss frowned.

"You can't leave, the walls will shock you."

Dot opened the door to Bliss's cell and stepped out. Before Bliss could follow her, Dot closed the door, locking it so Bliss couldn't get out.

"Mom?" Bliss said confused,"what are you doing?"

Dot was already at the door. Her hand on a strange lever.

"I'm sorry." Dot began to cry as she pulled the lever. Electricity ran through Bliss's body for the longest time. Once it stopped, Dot was gone.


"Excellent work Dot." Venom smiled, showing his sharp pointed teeth.

"Just don't expect me to do it again." Dot said flatly. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"But you've missed it," Venom walked closer to Dot,"torturing someone, watching them slowly die. Because you're used to it, Madame Hydra."

Guys I'm super sorry for not publishing quickly. School started and now I've got tennis and drivers ED to do and so I don't have time to write during my school days. I'm only gonna be able to work on my chapters on Saturday and Sunday, so that's when I probably will have chapters published by. I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting for so many days.

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