Chapter Four| Xander

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I glanced back at the door, once again, as I made my way back to the ballroom. I let out a sigh, and the booming voice of Xavier pounded through my head. You will let go our mate THIS INSTANT! You IDIOT! It is your fault she is scared of us! That's why she backed away you COWARD! He roared, causing me to wince. I can't, not yet. I'm sorry. I replied, barely audible.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I came face-to-face with more than a hundred girls. I hurried through them, ignoring their protests as I shoved them off of me. I made it to the stage, where the lack my parents caused me to wonder. I turned around anyway, and let my Alpha voice take over, "I have found my mate," I say, booming as the faces turned excited,"but she is not within our presence at the time. I would ask you all to leave. Now." I stressed the last word, putting heavy tone on it for then to leave quickly.

I sank into my chair and put my head in my hands, thinking of my mate. My beautiful mate that I just locked up. I felt two hands that I recognised as my parents and looked at them with glazed eyes, only to be met with glares. "Why would you lock up your mate?" My mother ask lowly, giving away that she was mad. It was even scarier than if she were yelling at me. I winced back at her tone and opened my mouth to reply, only to be cut off by my father,"She does not deserve that treatment, Xander, no matter her rankings." he was almost shaking, as if he was imagining himself locking up mother. Knowing him he probably was.

I shrank further into the seat, replying, "She backed away. As if she didn't want me." "Then let her be!" My father roared. "The only way for her to accept you is to get to know her! Become personable with her, Xander! Don't run away!" I was almost in tears, but a grown man doesn't cry. It wasn't until, Make amends, Xander. It's the only way to gain acceptance from her, I heard her voice. The voice of the Moon. I looked up from my hands and back at my parents. "I'll go." I stood up at that word.

It had been two hours since I put her in the room, released everyone, and got her food. It was eight by the time I reached her door, with a tray of food, only to be greeted by sobs. My heart wrenched and my wolf growled, blaming me fully. I was hesitant to knock, balled fist in front of the door, paused. I finally gave a little rap on the door, hearing a gasp and a sniffle, along with some rustling if what I could only assume was her dress. You made a terrible mistake that you will have to build a giant bridge to mend the canyon, Her voice said. I sighed, knowing she was right.

I turned the nob slowly, creaking the door open. The light flooded in and I saw her beautiful violet eyes squint at me, then widen, and she scooted against the wall, clawing behind her, as if there was a handle that lead to an escape route. I shushed her and came slowly towards her, her eyes widening in fear. My heart broke at how much my mate feared me. You and only you, Xander said. I sighed and set the tray in front of her. She eyed it warily and glanced back up at me. "It's safe" I said, a little louder than I meant to. She winced back and I curses myself.

She gingerly took a small piece of bread and tore it into bite sizes, eating it slowly. I smiled at her, glad she was eating. She was like a twig, I realised now, but had nice muscles, probably from working on her farm, if she was an Omega. She had a curvy figure that would make any woman die for and an angular face with a rounded chin and high cheekbones.

She took a cube of mozzarella cheese and popped it into her mouth, moaning as she did. "This is really good," she said in a small voice, surprising me. Her voice was like one of an angels and I wanted to hear it over and over. I gave her an encouraging smile. "Thank you. I would only do the best for my mate." I replied, in a softer tone than before. She gave me a long look, studying me, and replied, "Why did you put me in here?" She ask, a little timid. "I.. When you backed away.. I thought.. I thought you were rejecting me." I took a place on the floor beside her. Her eyes widened at me and started shaking her head violently. "No, no, no, no, no, it wasn't that. I was scared, that's all," she hesitated, "and I still quite am." I sighed, taking a cube of cheddar, rolling it in my mouth. "You don't have to be," I started, "in time you might become more use to me. We are mates, after all." She nodded, saying, "While that is true, it still doesn't change my opinion. I don't know you." She replied, bluntly.

She covered her mouth, realising her bluntness. I chuckled at her reaction, and she took this as a good sign, dropping her hand and relaxing. "You will get to know me, my dear. I am not always a big bad wolf," I leaned in, lifting her chin up with my index finger,"and in time, you may find yourself in love with me," I said, smirking, glancing between each eye. I kissed her button nose and leaned back, listening to her pounding heart. She turned away and slowly reached for another piece of mozzarella.

"You know," she said, straining her shoulders,"when I first thought of this event, I had a panic attack? Because I thought I wouldn't be able to learn. Learn all knew, how to walk, talk and even sit properly. If I managed that, then yeah, I'll probably learn how to love you too" I sat their, stunned, as she got up and walked to the door. "Well, kind sir? Are we to meet your parents and start my confinement here or not?" I rolled my eyes at the 'confinement' part. She won't think it as that soon. Nevertheless, I got up and looped her arm through mine.

We walked back, only a little small talk, and I opened the door to the deserted ballroom. Mother was pacing on the stage and Father was slumped in his chair. I look over at my mate -I really need to find out her name- to see that her head was held high, not expected from an Omega. "Hello, your highnesses." She curtsied low, letting them know we were here. Her beautiful dress was only crumpled from sitting, so it looked perfect still when it was stretched out, a couple curls falling forward as she bowed her head.

Mother rushed to her and gathered her into her arms. Father and I looked on, surprised. My mother rarely showed affection. "Darling, you are absolutely beautiful." She said, stepping back and taking my mates face in her hands. My mate smiled shyly at her and Mother laughed. I smiled and soon father joined me. We walked to join my mate and Mother so we were in a little group now. "We should get her a room! Now, now!" Mother ushered over a servant and told him to prepare a room. My mate looked panicked. As she told me earlier, she has panic attacks so I rushed to her side and ask what was wrong. "My.. my family?" She ask in a whispery voice. Oh. Right.

"Mother? What about my mates family?" Goddess I need to learn her name. My mother had a look pass over her face and she smiled. "We will move them up to nobles tomorrow. We will have a house furnished and I will let you teach them, for you will have training of your own from me." She clasp her hands together."and I will have a letter run over there tonight informing them, darling. Your family will be close by." My mother smiled warmly and gathered my mate in a hug, which she gladly returned. "I'm so sorry for my sons behaviour. I'm sure you'll straiten him out." She whispered into her ear. I grunted and my mate laughed.

I lead her to the room across from mine and left her to settle. "Clothes are in the closet to your left, bathroom is in your right, and a mini kitchen was installed in this room for whatever reason, so that us the door on the back wall, incase you want to cook something" I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. She sat on the king bed, then walked to the armoire and opened the doors to a full stock of shirts for training and drawers full of pants and undergarments, which she closed quickly, causing me to chuckle.

She glared me and shooed me out. "I am going to get ready now so leave." I chuckled but obeyed, turning my back on the closing door. Taken by surprise, I felt arms wrap around my waist. "My name is Jacquelyn, your highness." she whispered. "Call me Xander, Jacquelyn." I felt her shiver when I said her name, so I knew I had an affect on her. "Goodnight, Xander." She whispered, causing me to shiver in return. She squeezed and ran back into her room, accidentally slamming the door. She opened it again and whispered, "Sorry!" and closed it softly again. My little Jacquelyn was so perfect.

Uber short chapter! Sorry.. I feel bad. That's okay though! I'll try to write some more to please you guys...

So what did you think? Good? Bad? Needs changing? I need all the feedback I can get! And comments that just say 'I hate it' please tell my whyy you hate it. I don't care if you hate it or not just tell me what you hate so I can fix it! Unless it's the entire story then I can escort you on to the next one.

Well I think I have dragged this on long enough, so,

P.S. I HAVE ONE HUNDRED READS!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU!! (Most of it was probably me but with your help I accomplished it ;))

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