Chapter Twelve| Xander

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I ran towards the training room to grab weapons. I slung a quiver and bow over my shoulder and took my sword from the rack, running to join the fight. There were many hunters with large rifles in hand, shooting the men down. I let out a loud growl and charged at them.

I shot arrows as fast as could, sticking each in the heart. When I came close enough, I drew my sword and swung madly. I thought of the safety and protection of my dear mate, driving me forward, no matter how many silver bullets managed to graze me.

I found a large brown wolf fighting one of my men and knew exactly who it was-- Maxwell.

I sheathed my sword and grabbed him by the scruff, clamping his muzzle, taking him by surprise. Before regaining his composure, I slammed him into the wall, only seeing red for what he did to my mate. I shoved him into a room and tied him down with a fabric measure, commanding him to shift back.

He eventually complied and shifted, but not before getting in a good snarl. I returned the gesture easily.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" I growled at him. "I want to see the bane of my existence die through my hands. This kingdom would have been mine, if she had not shown up," he snarled. I put a hand around his neck, putting a slight pressure, causing him to gag. "You will never, be able to hurt a hair on her head," I bared my teeth at him and pressed on his neck once, hard, then let go. "Retreat to your hide out. We finish this on the battlefield, Maxwell." He only snarled in response, but complied. His army of rebels and hunters retreated the way they came--the windows-- and disappeared. I ran to one window and roared, "We finish this on January second, scumbags!"

I retreated to the inner castle and checked to make sure they didn't leave anyone to stalk the castle and murder people. What I did see, though, was horrific. There were at least 100 dead and even more wounded. When I was satisfied no one was lurking around the castle, I went to the blacksmiths and had them working to make armour and weapons. I then went to the architects and had them work on window replacements that were strong enough to resist bullets. I then walked down the hall towards the hideout and tapped my foot thrice.

The wall slid open and revealed the scared girls huddled together. I stepped in and they all visibly relaxed. I scanned their faces to look for my mate. I found her in the corner with her head rested on Tayren and I smiled softly at the woman who was comforting my mate. The women cleared out except for my mother, who was behind my Jacque, Tayren, and Jacque. I scooped my mate up bridal style and Tay and Mother stood up. I smiled tightly at them and went to my room and lay Jacque in my bed and kissed her forehead, causing her to stir.

"Xander?" She said weekly as she opened her eyes, then they snapped open and she sat up. "Xander!" She squealed and hugged me around the neck. I chuckled and squeezed her softly, not wanting to let go. She pulled away slowly and smiled softly. "When is the war?" She ask, her smile tightening. I hugged her close and rested my forehead on hers. "January second." Her eyes widened slightly. "Four days," she said in a whisper. Her eyes turned hard and she said, fiercely, "I am fighting by your side," as I was about to protest, she put up a hand."You cannot fight me on this, Xander. My decision is final." I sighed in defeat and she kissed my cheek. "I'll be fine. I am strong." She whispered, pulled away, and left my room, leaving me with my thoughts.

I don't want her to get hurt, Xavier whispered in my head softly. You and me both, I replied equally as soft, but we both saw what the Moon Goddess has planned. I just hope it works out the same as in the visions. I ran the bath, knowing that we would probably be training hard for the next few days and I would not have time to relax. I hopped in after changing out of my clothes and sighed in contentment. I washed slowly, wanting the warm water to ease my tense muscles.

I hopped out, fully relaxed, and slipped into a pair if night pants. I walked into the main bedroom where I saw Jacque, asleep in the bed. I crawled in next to her, not wanting to wake her, but she opened her eyes lazily at me. She gave me a sleepy grin and rolled over. I pressed my back to hers and whispered into her ear, "I love you. So much." She faced me with so much emotion in her eyes. "I love you even more, my Xander," she said, cupping my cheek. Then she finally did what I have been waiting for:

She kissed me.

At first it was slow and passionate, then turned into desire and need. I flipped her onto her back and nipped at her bottom lip, causing her to gasp. I took the chance and dominated the kiss, exploring her mouth as she let out beautiful moans. I pulled away from her mouth to allow her to breath. I kissed down her neck, sucking a little each place I pecked. I let my teeth graze the place where I would put my mark and she bucked underneath me, causing a chuckle to rumble through my chest. I slid to her side and faced her, cupping both cheeks with my hands. "Marry me."


Am I being rude ending it here?

Is it too short??


Nahh... XD

I know I can't wait for next chapter!! Imma go write now...

Keep reading my beautiful readers!!!



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