Chapter Ten| Xander

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My wolf broke free and my clothes shredded off of me and onto the ground. Xavier howled and I saw my mate go limp in her captors arms as he ran around the corner. The border of my vision was red and I bolted after my Jacquelyn. Guards had heard my cry and began running to my aid. There was a loud crack! and a howl. I paused mid-stride, worried of whom the loud crack had come from, hoping it was the captor and not my precious mate.

I rounded the corner, cautiously, and saw my mate passed out on the ground and the captor laying next to her, shoulder streaming blood. My vision turned the colour of the liquid oozing out of this man's arm, and I ordered the guards to send him to the dungeons underground and feed him as little as possible. "Leave us!" I barked, after giving them their orders. They scurried away, quickly.

I changed back into my human form just as she was starting to come around. I looked around to see what I could hide behind just as her eyes snapped open. She gasp and covered them as quick as she opened them. I had two options: smirk and approach her slowly, or apologise and go away to get shorts. I decided on the former.

I smirked and strutted over to where she was lying with her eyes closed tight. I scooped her up into my arms and she squealed, causing me to chuckle lowly. I hurried us back to our rooms, carefully setting her on her bed. "I'm going to go change into some pants. Get ready for bed. I will come back in a couple to get you, my darling. I will never let you leave my side from now on." Her eyes opened a crack, but looked strait into my eyes.

She nodded once, then shut them tight and buried her face in her sheets. I laughed and walked out of the room, into my own. I washed my face and brushed my teeth after throwing on a pair of sleep pants. I heard a knock at my door and I rushed to open it, seeing a lovely Jacquelyn in a night gown. I picked her up bridal style and launched myself onto the bed, her still being in my arms. She squealed, causing me to laugh. I hugged her tight on my chest and let go, allowing her to slide off and be next to me. I put my arm under her head and she turned to face me. "I will never let anything happen to you like that again," I said to her when I saw tears in her eyes. "Thank you, so much for saving me," she said, putting her face on my bare chest. I wrapped her up in my arms and held her close, not wanting her to be hurt. "Anything for my little mate."

She pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. "That man was working for Max," she said, barely audible. I growled and she hugged me tight, calming me down some. I breathed her scent of lavender and honey, drawing her even nearer. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and kissed her nose. "I will never let him take you away nor hurt you." She nodded and tucked herself into me even more. I chuckled and picked her up off the bed with me, opened up the sheets and laid down with her still in my arms. "Thank you, Xander. Thank you for everything."



I stretched out and remembered the my mate had slept with me that night. My eyes snapped opened and I looked to my left to find the bed empty. I started panicking and tarring apart the bed until I heard the shower running. I breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed an outfit from my wardrobe to throw on for our training session. The water shut off and the door slowly opened to reveal a beautiful Jacquelyn in a small towel. She slowly crept by me, my eyes on her the entire time. She disappeared into the hallway, and I knew she was headed for her room to change. I put on the clothes, ran a hand through my hair, and went across the hall. I rapped on the door thrice, waiting for her to answer. She opened it slowly and then threw herself into my arms. "Good morning, my love," I said, chuckling a bit.

We walked to the training rooms and I started towards the sword rack. I felt a small pressure on the small of my back, causing me to shiver. I looked down to see that Jacquelyn was the cause. I reached the rack with the pressure moving down ever so slightly every few seconds. Her hand rested right on my waist band, fingers playing with the thick fabrics. Her thumb brushed against the sensitive skin and I fought back a moan. Two fingers slipped inside the waistband and traced its outline on my back where it lay. I stood stock still, not wanting her to stop. Her fingers slipped a half an inch lower, right where the curve of my bum started, meeting the waistband of my boxers. I barely bit back a moan and I tilted my head back. "Enjoying this, Xander?" She said right as she snapped the waist band and pulled her hand away.

"Then you should be looking forward to tonight." My eyes widened as she spoke. She grabbed her sword and got into fighting stance. I took a big breath and pulled my sword, getting into fighting stance, copping her. She swing her sword first and I watched as we fought; although it looked more like a dance. Her long scarlet hair whipped with every turn and twist of her body. My sword connected with hers to make a cross and we walked in a circle. She smiled and I was put in a trance, allowing her to whip her sword out of the cross and put it under my arm. She cut the fabric with the tip of her sword and she smirked. I smiled and laughed, causing her to join me.

By the end of our training sesion, we were both covered in sweat. We sat on the floor and streatched out, allowing our bodies to cool down. I got up and reached a hand out to her to help her up. She took it and I pulled my mate to her feet. The chimes rung out, signalling it was nine in the morning. We started heading back to our rooms, making small conversation about random things. "When was the last time you ran in your wolf form? In the woods?" she ask as we came to a stop in front of our rooms. Xavier jumped at the thought of running again and I chuckled. "I guess it has been a while. What about you, My dear?" She looked away at my question. "I havent. I've only shifted once, and that was when for the turning." My eyes widened at her words and my mouth formed an 'O'. she nodded and I smiled. "Looks like we are going to have to go running." Her eyes lit up and I laughed. She giggled.

I kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes. "I have business it need to look into. Are you going to be alright?" She glared at me, then softened her eyes and sighed. "Yes, Xander. I have tea with Isabella and Tayren at the eleventh chime. I will be fine, my dear. Go on, I'll be in my room at the nineteenth chime. Meet me there." She kissed my cheek and let go of my hand. She smiled at me before closing her door. I smiled back.

I entered my room and got ready for the meeting with my dad. I went to my office and he was already in it, sitting at the desk, making plans for the war. I took in a big breath and went to the table and looked at the plans. "Since Max and his father want to meet us at the edge of the forest, you and your right-hand--" "Wait.. Max and his father? I thought we were dealing with hunters." "We are. Hunters and wolves. They are combined, working together to reach a common goal. To bring down our kingdom." My eyes went dark. "Who do I bring out with me to the field. Jacquelyn.." I was muttering to myself but as soon as I uttered my mates name my father broke out into a growl. "My future daughter-in-law--" he stopped mid-sentence and a flash of regret went through his eyes. My eyes narrowed at him and I remembered back to what Jacque had said- "I have tea with Isabella and Tayren,"- and my eyes widened. I sped out of the room, my father hot on my heals. I went to the library and slammed open the doors. "Were you planning on telling me?" I boomed as I saw patterns and colours and decoration sketches skewed across the table. I glanced at Jacquelyn and she winced, slightly nodding. "When?" I whispered and she whimpered a bit. "After a good portion of the stressful work was done," she squeaked out, scared out of her mind. I winced and slowly approached her. My mother growled lowly, but I ignored her warnings. I knelt by my mate and wrapped her up in my arms. "I would never hurt you, and I appreciate the fact that you are trying to take stress off me. I respect that but--" I tilted her face up towards my own, "I would like to know we are having a wedding before it is being planned." She nodded vigourusly and I kissed her nose. "Good. I am going to go back to the drawing room. Meet you at nineteen still?" She smiled. "Yes. Of course." I kissed get nose for good measure and then left them to plan our wedding. The thought then sunk in..

I am going to be married.


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Almost 70 comments?!?!?
Y'all are way to good to me and this book.

So Xander finds out.. Well just have to see what goes done next chappie... ;) love you all!!

Keep reading my beautiful (and amazing) readers!!

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