Chapter Fourteen|Jaquelyn

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I woke up the next morning in Xander's arms and I smiled at his peaceful face. Since the declaration of war was made, he has been so stressed and I was glad I was able to se him in peace. It made me feel special and I didn't want to share it.

I gently rolled out of his arms and tip toed to the bathroom to get changed into training gear and put my long hair up into a high ponytail that still came longer than halfway down my back. I slipped on my grippy shoes that don't come off when you shift --they act like armer for your paws-- and I walked over to the bed.

Xander opened one eye at me and I grinned at him. He shot me a sleepy smile back and threw the covers off of him. I blushed and looked away, remembering every detail from last night. He chuckled and gathered me into a hug causing me to squeak and he kissed the top of my head, a chuckle rumbling through his chest. He made his way to the bathroom to get ready and I walked to the desk where I kept my diary.

Pulling open the drawers, I grabbed it and a pen. As I wrote I began to get slightly fearful for the first time for the war.

January One

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is what all of us are waiting for. Dooms day for either ourselves or for Maxwell. I was told the he was the one behind the threatening letters from "other kingdoms". He took his army of hunters to scope out our forests and surrounding areas, even the cities, to prepare for his attack the other day. Tomorrow is the deciding day. Do we keep the kingdom or loose it? Do we keep our lives or loose those as well? I will fight for my life and for the life that is growing inside of me. I do not want to tell Xander, or he will not let me help. I know I need to, though. Eventually.

Xander stepped out of the bathroom and I put my journal back in its drawer. I stood up and walked to the door, leading the way to the training rooms. We stepped inside and I ran to my bow, wanting to practice it since I haven't for a couple days.

We walked to the shooting range and I drew my bow, took a deep breath and released. It hit right outside of the bulls eye and I quirked my mouth with distaste. I drew another arrow from my quiver and set up. I made sure the bulls eye was right in my line of vision and I released the arrow. It flew strait where I wanted and I smiled. Xavier wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned back. "Good shot, Mrs. Metzltov." I shivered at the name. I just nodded then shook him off. "I need to complete this range," I told him after he gave me a confused look.

I ran through the range and shot all of the bags right in the heart, although not squarely. I smiled at the end, breathing heavily and sweating. I smiled at the grinning Xavier and he held his arm out for me to take. I accepted.

We walked back into the training rooms and I grabbed my sword from the wall, Xander following suit. We sparred for a while, then stopped, heading back to our room sweaty and in need of a shower. We walked in and headed to the bathroom at the same time. I hesitated and Xander smirked. "We would be saving water if we showered together, Jacquelyn." My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water until he pulled me into the bathroom.

He slowly undressed me, only looking at my face. I gained enough confidence and started to do the same thing. He turned on the shower, keeping his eyes only locked on mine, and took my hand. He guided me into the shower and a small smile graced his face. I gave him a small one back and his eyes traveled down my scarred and battered body. His eyes returned to mine with so much emotion. His hand grazed my cheek under the cool water and he whispered, "you are beautiful," making my breath hitch,"and I love you." He gave me a slow, passionate kiss that made my insides turn to mush.

He turned me around and scrubbed all of my back and then my front, covering me in a rich lather. I did the same to him and he then he massaged my scalp and ran his hands through my long hair with lye soap. I styled his hair up with the soap and giggled, making him crack an amused grin. We washed the soap off our bodies and he stepped out to get him and myself towels.

I giggled as I walked in front of him into our room and I walked to the large closet to pick out something nice yet fierce for the rest of the day. We were to plan our method of attack. I went to the formal side of my wardrobe and picked out a grey dress with a boat neckline with three-quarter sleeves and slipped it on, putting my hair into a messy bun. I put on minimum makeup and walked into the room where Xander struggled to tie his tie. I let out a light laugh and walked over to him, tying it for him.

We walked out of the room, arm in arm, and walked to the strategy room. We cautiously walked in and found Antonio leaning over maps with red, blue, and green lines. I walked to the table with Xander trailing behind me, placing a hand on my hip as we looked over the table. Antonio barely glanced up at us.

"Are you ready?"


"And for the finish, we come from behind and nip at their heels, driving them out of the forests and allowing us to kill off the last of them," I finished with my plan and both boys stared at me with their mouths open. "What? The strategy classes helped." They closed their mouths at my icy words and they shook their heads. "That was an amazing plan, Jacque," Antonio breathed out. I smiled at him.

I turned to Xander just to see that he looked shocked. I narrowed my eyes a little until he broke out in a huge smile and gathered me into his arms. "You're amazing, my Jacquelyn," he said, kissing the top of my head. It was almost sun down and tomorrow was a day of great pain, sorrow, and exhaustion. We all needed our sleep.

I need you to look after our cub tomorrow, I whispered to Jasmine. Of course, I will make sure they stay safe and out of harms way, she replied, going to check on our cub. I smiled a bit and leaned my head on Xander's shoulder as we made our way back to our room.


Hello all!! Tomorrow is the big day!! Both in and out of this book...


I'm going to be a freshman!! In high school, of course, but still, new school, new teachers, new everything! God I'm nervous.

If anyone could give some HELPFUL advice on how to survive at least freshman year at this point but really all of high school, I would really appreciate your feedback.. O.O

Alright, well, how did y'all like the chapter?? Wasn't the shower scene just darling?? Alright, I'll leave y'all alone. Love you!!!

Keep reading my beautiful readers!!



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