Chapter Nine| Jacquelyn

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December 28
A few weeks have passed, now, and I have gotten stronger, sharper, and faster. Xander and I's relationship has grown stronger and faster, although sometimes he has to leave the room in order to take his time; my request. He wants to go ahead and marry me (I said yes!), but all too soon. Isabella and I have been planning behind his back, but he is getting restless. He wants to mark me, but I won't let him. I'm thinking about letting him soon but- oh here he comes. I'm sorry I haven't written since the day after coronation, but I guess there is no need to burn midnight oil. Anyway, here he comes.

I closed it just as the door opened and a worried and restless Xander steps in. He glanced at the book I had tucked under my hand and his frown turned into a smirk. "I'm glad you are using the journal I gave you." He approached me and I got up to great him. He wrapped his arms around me and breathed in my lavender sent and held me tight. He let out a shaky breath and I pulled back to look into the stormy grey eyes I've always loved. "The surrounding kingdoms are threatening our borders. Something about needed space and threatening to send hunters." His face contorted and his eyes clouded over, like he was remembering something from the past. "Xander, what is it?" My desire to help him out of pain and danger was strong.

He was brought back to the present by my voice and he pulled me tight into his chest. I rested my chin on his collarbone and peered up at his through my eyelashes. He looked at me and sighed. "Before the party, the Moon Goddess came to me. She have me two visions," I gasp and he took a deep breath,"one with you, and one without you. The one with you had us winning a war and saving our kingdom from destruction. But the one without you..." He trailed off, avoiding my gaze. "Without you, our world would have been turned to shreds and this kingdom would not have rulers." I gasp, my brain whirling at a million miles per hour. I jumped out of his arms and glared coldly at him. "So that's why you kept me?" His eyes widened to saucers and his mouth opened and closed, as if trying to catch the words he should say. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, silk blue dress billowing out behind me.

I knocked on Isabella's door and she let me in, closing the door after her. She and Mr. Mezltove have become like a second set of parents- well, technically third. I wrapped my arms around her and she lifted my chin. "Would you like me to call in Tayren?" I nodded and she pressed the bell. Tayren arrived within five minutes and I retold what happened. Isabella shook her head, "and this happened right when I was starting to think he was getting better." She sighed and hugged me tighter. "Well," Tayren drawled, "I think you should let him try to explain, but leave little room for mercy. Don't cancel the wedding just yet; remember, you need him just as much as he needs you." I nodded, knowing how good advice Tay gives. I hugged her and Isabella, and walked to the Library.

I picked up the oldest copy of Pride and Prejudice and started reading. A bang from the doors indicated that my frustrated mate was dropping by. I smelled his woody-lime smell and knew he was there. He walked strait for me with pleading eyes. "Don't come any closer," I whispered in a low, cold voice. He stopped in his tracks and looked down. He started whispering something but I couldn't make it out until it got louder and he dropped to the balls of his feet. He put his head in his hands and rested his elbows on his knees. I walked towards him slowly, stopping a good three feet in front of him. I hated seeing him like this, but he had used me. Just give him a chance to explain, said Jasmine, who had been observing the scene unfold. Fine, I replied and sat down on the nearest couch with a sigh. "Explain," I said in an toneless voice. His head whipped up and he was about to get up, but saw my narrowed eyes. He walked to the couch across from me and sat, taking a deep breath. "Look, my Jacquelyn. When I first met you, I fell in love. I didn't think anything of what the Moon Goddess said and all I wanted was you. So I chased you when you ran away from me and into the gardens. When you pulled back from me and said that you were an Omega, I was willing to get past that fact. All I wanted was. For my mate to be safe and happy, preferably with me. Then you pulled back, acting like you didn't want me, like you couldn't have me. I was surprised and hurt, but what the Moon Goddess said popped into my head, so I took you to the rooms. Xavier beat me up about it and I felt really bad, but I'm bad with apologies so I continued down the long staircase and to my parents. They were not happy with me at all, so I went and got you, and I have been trying to gain your trust ever since." He looked at me, almost on the verge of tears. I sighed and peered at him through my eyelashes. "I forgive you," he jumped up, but I put my hand out to stop him. "But you need to make it up to me." He approached me slowly and hugged me tight. "You have no idea, my little Jacquelyn."


We were all seated around the table, Xander at the head, myself to his right, Mr. Mezltove to his left, and Isabella to my right. We were making small talk, although tension was heavy in the air. We all knew about the threat and we were all on edge. Xander had already started making it up to me by having the blacksmiths weld me a necklace made out of gold and tiger bone. The pendant was a heart, made out of tiger bone, and had tiger stripes in red racing across it. The pendant was laced through a golden snake chain and hung right above my cleavage.

"Your necklace is darling, Jacque. I heard Xander had the blacksmiths make it?" Isabella turned to me. "Yes, he got in a bit of trouble with me," her eyes narrowed as she glanced at Xander, "because I found out why he didn't throw me out the first night we met, and instead threw me into a locked room." She gasp, and her eyes widened then narrowed at Xander. "Xander! Is there something you would like to tell us?" Her voice got higher, indicating that she was mad at her son. Xander looked down and he mumbled a barely audible, "Moon Goddess," to his mother. Isabella stood up, furious, then sat back down calmly. She leaned over to me slowly and whispered, "punish him good," and I gasp. She nodded and I knew that Xander and I's mutual truce was off. The games were back on, but Xander was about to get hit hard.

The table was shaking and I looked around, alarmed. Mr. Mezltove was shaking violently. "Mr. Mezltove! It's okay, your son will be punished." "It's like I'm not even here," Xander muttered and our three heads snapped his way. His hands shot into the air as a surrender and Mr. Mezltove turned to me, "please, Jacque, it's Antonio. If we are to be family, we best be familiar and not formal." I smiled and nodded at him. Xander blew out a big breath and excused himself. The waiters came and collected our dishes soon after and we all went back to our chambers. I hugged Isabella and Antonio goodnight and headed down to my room. Strong arms wrapped around my wait and I assumed it was Xander so I didn't struggle too hard.

But Xander would have let go.

I kicked and punched at my captor but he had and iron grip. I yelled out Xander's name, only to be cut off in the middle by a warm hand. My chapter tried to shush me but I bit his hand and yelled once again. "Max said you would be a tough one." I froze at the statement the rough voice said, and then I started thrashing. Xander's door was opening at the point, but my captor was almost to the end of the corridor. I was still thrashing but a white cloth came over my mouth just as I was breathing in, and the lavender scent filled my head. I lolled to one side and blacked out.

"Help me..."


Okay. I actually did not see that last part coming, but, well, Jacquelyn gets what she wants. Sorry, by the way, for being suupperr late, and that I repeated Jacque.
But, FOUR THOUSAND READS and almost TWO HUNDRED VOTES?! You guys blow my mind every time. You're too good to me. I love you all and I'll try to write a little quicker, but I want to have the next chapter be AMAZING and it is going to be full of action so, yeah. I've dragged this on long enough, so:
Keep reading my beautiful readers!

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