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Axl's POV

"How are you going to get the money?" Tommy asked, lighting a cigar and taking a puff, blowing skilled smoke rings into the night sky.

"You'll see." I grinned.


Slash's POV

"Aye! Here's my favorite person in the whole wide world!" Nikki opened the door right when my knuckle rapped the wood. I laughed then shook my head.

"I thought Tommy Lee was your favorite person." I smirked. Nikkis face got a deep shade of red and he rolled his eyes.

"Since you said that, you're now my second favorite. My first is Steven." 


"Come on in, sucker." Nikki hit my arm playfully, handing me a drink and closing the door behind me when I stepped inside. Music. Loud music. It wasn't very good, but who am I to judge?

"Welcome to my crib!" Nikki shouted, throwing his hands in the air and motioning to the chaos. There was tons of people scattered in groups, laughing and talking with drinks in their hands. I hold up the drink and look at it in confusion.

"What is this?"

"Alcohol, duh." Nikki gave me a lopsided grin and stumbled a little.

"Oh my, gosh, NikNak, you're so wasted." I laughed, taking a small sip from the red solo cup. It tasted disgusting.

"Ew!" I spit it out into the cup, wrinkling my nose at the strong cinnamon taste and smell. "What the fuck is this?"

"Watch you're mouth, sweetcheeks." The black haired man giggled, leaning on a wall for support. "It's Fireball. Ain't it great?"


"I need to stop talking!" Nikki slurred, almost spilling his half empty (or half full??) drink onto himself. "You gotta go mingle, bud. Go!" He pushes me forcefully into the mass of sweaty people. 

Cringing a little, I walked into the kitchen. Then I saw him.

"Saul!" He called, waving his hand in the air and smirking. "I was hoping you'd be here." 

"H-Hey, Axl." I blush, more nervous than before. He motioned for me to come over to the table full of beers and shots and I obeyed, winding through the mass of people. When I got closer, I saw the joint in his left hand and the red tinting his beautiful green eyes. 

"Are you-are you high?" I stutter, watching him curiously. 

"Fuck, yeah!" He cackles, leaning on a girl I didn't notice was with him. "Wanna try?" He thrusted the joint in front of my face. It was like highschool all over again. All of Axl's friends stared at me, waiting for my move.

"I-I've never smoked before." I mutter shyly, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. Then I felt a arm wrap around my waist. I looked up, and there was Axl, smirking down at me with his hand grabbing my hip.

"It's easy! L-Let's go outsideeee." He giggled, leading me and his buddies to Nikki's backyard. We lived in a city and it was really hard to get a place to yourself with an actual backyard, but Nikki did it because, well, he's Nikki Sixx.

"I'm gonna take him over there by myself." Axl turned to his friends who were all very high and very drunk. "You know how your first time is, right? Don't want everyone lookin' at you. Too much pressure." 

His friends nodded and he took my hand casually, leading me behind a huge bush in the backyard so no one could see us. I have never been more nervous in my life, not because I was about to smoke for the first time, but because I was alone with Axl Rose.

"Just wanted to take you away from the group." Axl smirked, placing the joint in his mouth and taking a deep breath, then blowing it in my face with a grin. 



I can't make up my mind.

"You're gonna cough the first time." Axl waved the joint around creating patterns and swirls in the dark night. He handed it to me and I took it, very confused at the unfamiliar object. 

"Take a breath, baby." He whispered in my ear sending chills all along my body. He called me baby. 

I bring the joint to my mouth and inhale, coughing as soon as the smoke hit my lungs. I sputtered and my eyes watered at the stinging sensation. Axl didn't look worried, he just grinned and watched me like a hawk.

"Take another hit." He encouraged, combing his fingers through his waterfall of fiery hair.

"N-No way!" I spat, coughing and grabbing onto him for support, handing the joint back. "That's terrible!"

"Do you trust me?" He asked, grabbing my wrists harshly and staring into my eyes. His hand felt hot and heavy around my small wrist, like a handcuff that's been dipped in boiling water. I loved it.

"N-Not really considering I met you yesterday for the first time and you're making me get high." I couldn't help but shoot back something sassy because it was weird and he was cute, but I didn't trust him much.

He laughed, throwing his head back and taking another whiff of the joint. He grinned, blowing smoke out of his nose like a dragon. 

"You have a point there, cutie." 

"Don't call me cute." I growl. This dude was a flirt, I could already tell, so I wasn't going to fall for him that easy.

"You're a cute lil pansyyy because you won't take a smoooke." He dragged out his words, getting more lit by the minute. I'm not a fucking pansy.

"Gimme that." I scowl, snatching the joint from his soft hands. Dammit, he was gorgeous. I bring the joint up to my lips just like the bad boy did, inhaling, then blowing smoke in his face out of anger. 

"Hey!" I look at the cigar and giggle. "I didn't cough!"

"Atta boy!" Axl slaps me on the back with a grin, taking the joint from me and inhaling.

We kept doing this for a while, laughing and passing the joint between each other, until I couldn't stand.

"A-Axl?" I stuttered. Everything was blurry, really blurry. Where's Nikki? "A-Axl, what's h-happeninggg?" 

"Y-You're high, baby boyyy." I see him grinning at me. We're still behind the bush I think, but I'm on the ground and he's sitting next to me. Baby boy. 

"I don't like t-this." My breathing was speeding up, my heart raced. What was happening? Wasn't I supposed to feel good? Was it working? Why isn't this working?! "Axllllll!" 

"Baby, don't panic. Just go with t-the motionnnn." Axl hiccuped, his hand was on my thigh. What is he doing?

"What are you doing?"

His hand is on my dick. Okay, well-wait, his hand is on my dick?

"I-I don't know what's happeninggg. What are you doing?" I'm so dazed. It feels good. He's squeezing me, groping me and it feels good and I let him. He keeps palming me. What's going on?

"Nikki!" I cry into the darkness. 

What's going on? 

I-I think I like him touching me.



I wanna get high with Axl RIP

How many concerts have you all been to? I've been to 7!!


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