1:53 AM

999 37 43

Listen to this song while reading if you want, I like it.

Third Person POV

"1:53 Am. That was the time Axl Rose died."


"I love you." Slash said one last time, holding onto Axl's cold, ashy hands. He pressed them to his wet lips, slick from spit that slipped out from his sobbing. "I-I love you so much."

"We have to g-go." Nikki whimpered, trying to hold it together as he saw his friend on the white clothed bed. "He's al-already gone."

"J-Just one-one more minute." Slash whispered, voice cracking as he reached forward to touch Axl's face ever so gently. Axl was breathing, but it wasn't him: it was the machine. He was already somewhere else.

Slash took a deep breath and got up. His knees collapsed under him, but Nikki caught him and helped him up. Slash bent down, tears racing quietly down his face and his lips brushed Axl's one last time.

"O-Okay." Was all the curly haired boy could mutter out, "You can do it." He whimpered, speaking to the doctors but not leaving his eyesight off his boyfriend. His poor boyfriend. His love. His best friend. His everything.

The doctor nodded and reached down to the cord to cut off Axl's life support. The slow, slow beeping of his false heartbeat started to fade, until the jumps of green on the monitor turned into a flat line.


"1:53 AM. That is the time I wake up at night sometimes."

The people in the sad sea of black looked at the ground. No one breathed, no one talked.

"I feel him with me. I know his is there." A tear rolled down Slash's face as he spoke on the podium next to a silver casket, microphone shaking in his tan hands. "He's here right now."

Steven, Izzy, Duff, Nikki, Mick Mars, and more were seated on plastic seats in a tiny, greed field. A small breeze wove its way through the crowd and the trees around them swayed gently. A small bird chirped its song quietly, respectfully. The sun was out, their black clothes absorbing the heat, but no one dared move to take off a jacket or cardigan.

"Axl thought of himself as no-good. As someone who took up space in this world and was here for no reason. But to me... He was everything. He made such an impact on me, and many others here today."

Nikki nodded lightly, pursing his lips together and staring at a patch of grass next to his black boots. Steven held onto Duff's hand, who held onto Izzy's. Mick Mars had his arms crossed, looking at Slash with respect, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Those of you who knew Axl closely knew that he made mistakes. He went down the wrong path many, many times. When I met him... he seemed to try and right his wrongs. He tried to get better, and I know he did. He's somewhere were good people go, because that is what he is- was, a good person. No matter the amount of mistakes he made."

Slash nodded and stepped down from the podium.


Two Months Later

"Vincent Neil Wharton was arrested this morning for video proof of arson along with many different drug charges. Another man on the scene of the crime, Thomas Lee Bass, was also convicted of such felonies." The news reporter said over the TV in Nikki's apartment.

"I told you they would get turned in." Mick sneered at the mugshot of Vince and Tommy shown on display upon the screen.

Nikki averted his eyes from the TV, not wanting to look into the eyes of his former lover who tagged along in the incident that got his friend killed.

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