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Axl's POV

My heart stop. I didn't turn around. I didn't even breath. I didn't think. Everything stopped when I heard his voice. His voice.

"Really? You really thought you could get away from me?" Vince said in such a hushed voice, my thumping heartbeat almost drowned out his words. "You really thought I would never find out about this-this place?"

My heart skipped a beat and I flinched as he kicked over the shelf holding all my CDs. I tried to move, but couldn't. I couldn't.

"Oh, honey. I almost feel bad for you." Vince cooed. His foot struck the wall, break a hole into the old boards. "Almost."

"H-How!?" I tried to squeak out. How did you find this place? Was what I tried to say. As if he read my mind, he answered, voice as smooth as slick oil.

"Simple." Vince inspected his nails, making himself at home and flopping on my bed. "I got a buddy of mine to get someone close to you to crack. And crack he did."


"Nikki. I knew he was close to you and I knew he had a thing for my buddy, Tommy. It all fell into place perfectly!" He chuckled, throwing his arms in the air to exaggerate his point. "Ah, yes. I knew you had to have some place to yourself, something other than your stupid apartment Nikki rented for you."

My eyes widened and the floor seemed to tip and wobble. My knees gave away from under me and I collapsed to the ground with a thump, in a position as if Vince was a god and I was his worshiper. It was pretty much like that, considering I was completely useless against him now.

Vince sighed. "You poor thing. He explained this lovely place to Tommy who got it right back to me. And, ah, here I am now. And you just happened to stumble in! Front row seats to my show."

"N-No..." I croaked out as he pulled out a match and something to strike it with.

"Oh, yes." Vince snorted. "I can see it in your eyes, you know exactly what's going to happen."

"Please... No!" I cried as he struck the match and dropped it on the ground, a tiny flame spread across the floor. "Vince, STOP!"

"Okay." Vince shrugged and kicked out the flame with his shoe, clouding the area around his boot with burnt wood. "You're right. I'm rushing into this too fast. Might as well have some fun; GET DOWN HERE!"

Footsteps from upstairs filled the silence between me and Vince, my eyes darted to the left where the staircase was. A person was lurking in the shadows, glaring at me, but not showing his face.

"Hmm, he looks so sad and... Useless."


"N-No-" I sobbed. "Nikki liked y-you! You w-were supposed to be good!"

"Nikki was a quick fuck." Tommy sneered, licking his teeth like a predator about to attack. "We knew you had a hide away. Somewhere to run away. Somewhere we wouldn't find you. Somewhere only a close friend would know about."

"You're too soft, Axl." Vince sighed. "Tsk, tsk. I knew right off the bat you would take money from Saul."

I growled and mumbled something under my breath, squinting my eyes shut and wish it was all a bad dream.

"What did you say, boy?" The blonde haired leader snapped. He hopped off my bed, boots landing with a loud clump.

"It's Slash."

Vinces eyes grew wide. He stalked closer to me until his boots were inches, no, centimeters away from my spread out hands on the dusty wood floor.

"You think this is a game."

His raised his left leg, then landed the leather boot hard onto my skinny fingers. I screamed in pain as the crunch rang through my city place.

"You think you can act tough, correct me? You think I actually won't burn your little place to the fucking ground, do you?"

Vinces twisted the soul of his boot against my hand, causing the pain to spread up my arm. Small tears escapes and ran down my cheek as I met his gaze.

"I... Know you won't." I huffed. "Y-you're all talk, n-no bite."

He twisted his boot harder.

"You're just a-a pussy." I whispered, my nose wrinkled as I watched him bare his rotten teeth at my face.

"You've pushed my last button, Rose." Vince's voice was low, deep, and scary. The hair on my neck stood up.

He raised his boot off my fingers and backed away. I grabbed the swollen hand, cradling it while letting out a loud sob. Vince raised 2 fingers in the air, then pointed them at me. Like a rabid dog givin the command to kill, Tommy kept forward and tackled me.

"Get off me, y-you bitch!" I howled, fighting to push his muscular body off of my own.

Instead of beating the shit out of me, Tommy held me to the ground. I was pinned and struggling, but his hand wasn't broken and he was far more trained for this.

"Rope him." Vince commanded, then turned his back on the scene.

Tommy smirked, used one hand to grab something from his back pocket, the other was wrapped around my neck.

"S-Stop." I choked, grabbing at his hand on my throat only to scream in pain as the fingers Vince most defiantly broke bent in abnormal ways.

"Quit struggling, fuckface!" Tommy commanded, wrapping rope around my 2 wrists that clawed at his own arm, still pressed to my neck. He relieved the pressure off of my neck as he let go, now tieing my hands together.

He moved off from on top of me and I gasped for air, face flushed and eyes watering.

Tommy skillfully tied the other end of the rope attached to my hands around one of the posts used to hold my little city place upright.

He backed away, then grinned at my struggling. I pulled at the rope but my hand was far too swollen and in pain to escape, even if I could.

"Nicely done, Tommy." Vince praised, back still turned to me. I heard the strike of a match, then cried as Vince dropped the lit match onto the old wooden floor. "You're no fun to play with. You squirm too much."

"Put it out! PUT IT OUT!" I screamed, frantically pulling at the rope that was now digging into my wrists like I was a dog.

The flame spread, gliding it's way across the floor with a deadly crackle.

"You have one more day." Vince raised his voice over the sound of the flames. "Get the money. I don't care how."

"B-But-" I howled.

"Before I kill your friends."



I'm back, fuckers.


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