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Slash's POV

"Did you bring the blankets?" 


"And pop?"


"You better have brought pop, asshole."

"You never let me finish!" I laughed, smacking his shoulder lightly. "I brought pop and candy."

"Good. This is gonna be the best." Axl grinned, leaning over to peck me on the cheek as he turned on the engine and we headed to the drive thru movie. "What are we seeing again?"

"The Prestige." I smiled grimly. I had already watched the movie and it was a real mindblower and I wanted to see Axl's reaction to the ending. "It has Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, and guest starring THE David Bowie."

"Incredible!" Axl hooted, squinting his eyes at the dark road. "Isn't Christian Bale the dude from Batman?"

"Yup! He's hot ain't he?" I wiggled my eyes, smirking at him and chuckling. "Not as hot as David Bowie."

"YOU THINK DAVID BOWIE IS HOT??" Axl chuckled so loudly, I almost thought he would drive off the road.

"Well, in the Labyrinth he was. Oh, sod off, Ax!" I stuck my tongue out, crossing my arms and frowning. "David Bowie is GOD!"

"All too true... Is this the place?" We both turned to the right. I grinned, clapping as I saw the lights of the screen and cars parked everywhere. 

As soon as he parked, I hoped out of the car, all giddy like a kid in a candy store. Axl parked so the trunk of his truck was facing the screen. I grabbed the blankets and smoothed them out of the hard surface, cushioning it a little. Axl grabbed the soda and candy and soon his trunk was a makeshift fort.

The drive thru movie was a small place so instead of having the drivers tune to a radio station to listen, they had the movie audio blasting from speakers which is why we could sit on his trunk.

The movie started and everyone's chatter around us hushed as the characters appeared on screen. I scooted close to Axl and he wrapped a blanket around me, putting an arm around me. I grinned, leaning into him. Everything was perfect.


Axl's POV

"I-That can't be the end!" I shouted, staring at me wide eyed as the credits rolled on the big screen. "That can't! He's dead? He's-I'm-What the fuck!?"

"Axl, I told you it was a huge shock." Slash snorted, gathering our soda and candy, piling our blankets into the back seat. "I warned you."

"Well, fuck me, I wasn't expecting that." I shook my head and sighed, jumping out of the trunk and walking to the driver's seat, gripping the steering wheel and taking a deep breath.

"Earth to Axl, you okay?" Slash laughed, waving a hand in front of my jaw dropped face. "We could, yenno, head to your place next. I have nothing to do tomorrow..."

I turned to him with a smirk.

"You're so fuckin' cute when you're flustered, Saul." I snickered, turning the ignition and starting the car, blasting the radio. I Want To You by Def Leppard was playing and I rolled my eyes as Slash started mouthing the words dramatically.

"I wanna touch you!" Slash sang out loud, rolling down the window and sticking his head out among the city night. Cars whirled by and his hair flung in his face. "Till we're stuck like glue. I wanna touch you! Yeah, baby, that's true."

"Really, now? You wanna touch me that bad?" I smirked as he sat back down and rolled up the window, blushing madly. "I'm all yours, babe."

He giggled, smoothing his poofy curls down and sighing, staring out into the city lights as I sped to Slash's house to drop him off.

I screeched to a stop in front of his apartment and we sat in the car in a nice silence for a  second. I turned to Slash and found him smiling at his shoes, blushing.

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout, sugar?" I cooed, leaning towards him so our lips were inches apart.


With that, I leaned forward, smashing my lips against his, grinning into the kiss as he let out a strangled moan, grabbing onto my arms. 

"Slasher, you need to get going." I mumbled against his lips, huffing as he threaded his fingers into my hair, pulling me closer.

"No. Wanna stay here." Slash groaned, pushing his tongue into my mouth and clashing his teeth with mine.

"You have work tomorrow."

"Fuck work."

"You need sleep."

"Sleep is for the weak."

"You're a stubborn bitch." I snorted, pulling away and meeting his pouty puppy dog eyes, his bright red bottom lip stuck out and he frowned. "Don't give me that look, Saul."

He groaned, throwing his head back and opening the car door, gathering his phone and a bag of unfinished candy. Before he walked away, he hovered, grinning.

"Thank you for tonight, Axl." Slash smiled, blushing a little. "I really had fun."

"Anytime, doll. Sleep well." I smiled and blew him a kiss. He caught it, placing it next to his heart and stuck his tongue out, walking away to his apartment stairs.

I watched him walk up the stairs and into his house to make sure nothing didn't go wrong, then I left to my little apartment.


I finally got home to my little man cave place which really wasn't mine. It was no one's, but I secretly claimed it.

I walked up to the broken window and hoped in, humming Aerosmith's 'Rag Doll' and jumping up, pulling myself through. Once I hit the ground on my ass, my phone started ringing like crazy. I stared at it in the dark, trying to read the screen. I thought it was Slash, but it was Nikki.

"Hey, Nik Nak, wassup?" I grinned, holding the phone to my ear and staying in my weird position on the dusty floor. He was gasping, muttering something, then must've realized I picked up.

"Axl! Thank God! Are you okay?" Nikki gasped through the receiver. I cocked my head to the side.

"Yeah? I'm fine? What's wrong?"

"Don't go home to your little city place, okay?" He panted into the phone, sounding very worried. "Just don't, okay?"

"Why? What's going on-" I tried to argue, but he cut me off.

"DON'T! I told Tommy something I shouldn't have and he's friends with Vince and I-FUCK! He's calling! I have to go!" Nikki growled, huffing and stressing. "DON'T GO TO YOUR CITY PLACE!"

"But Nikki, I'm already at my city place-" I cried, but he hung up and I was left in the dark with the phone buzzing on the other line. "What the fuck?"

I got up, brushing off the dust that stuck to my pants and looked around in the dark, feeling for the light switch. The place didn't originally have electricity because I wasn't paying for it, but I found out if I plugged in a huge cord to my neighbors (very illegal if I must add) and found out it worked fine.

I flipped on the switch, the lights to various items in my room including signs and lava lamps lit up. 

I sighed, calming my beating heart from Nikki's freak out. Maybe he's drunk?

Then, I heard it. A creek in the floorboard. A footstep. A breath.

"Hello, Rosie." Vince growled.



So sorry I haven't been consistent with this! I promise I'll write more because I'm feeling very inspired!! Sorry to leave you all with a cliffhanger, I'll update soon.

School is tomorrow, wish me luck :/

I love all the support I've gotten on this book and my GNR oneshots!! You all make me so awesome!

If you wanna hear about how the GNR concert went, look on my recent chapter on the oneshots;)



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