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Slash's POV

"Slash, there's something I need to tell you." Nikki sighed as I stepped into his warm car, huddling into one of his jackets. "Axl has a lot of problems in his life."

We didn't start the car to get out of the empty lot in front of the fluorescent Taco Bell. Purple light shown on Nikki's face, illuminating his tattoos and piercings. I said nothing.

"Axl... Axl's messed with some bad guys. He went to jail. He used to deal drugs... A lot... It was how he lived his life." Nikki took a deep breath, gripping the steering wheel and going nowhere. "Without his drugs, he was no one. Or so he told himself. I tried to help him, I really did, but the thing about Axl is that he shuts down, wants to deal with everything himself, when he really can't."

His words hung in the air, soaking into my brain as we sat in silence, watching cars on the main highway speed by in whorls of white and red. He talked again.

"Axl recently broke up with a man named Vince Neil. Now, Vince, is a bad man. He's been in the drug industry for a while, saw pretty Rose dealing and decided to snatch his heart. Axl used him, took his money and used it for drugs. It crushed Vince who turned violent, he-" Nikki choked up, wiping his face with his strong, rough hands. "He hurt him, Slash. Vince would beat him to a pulp because Axl kept spending his money. I've known Axl for years and I've walked into his apartment to him bloody and beat on the floor more times than I'd like to admit. The worst part is that Vince raped him, multiple times."

"Oh." Was all I could say. My tongue felt swollen and stuffed down my throat. "Why-Why are you telling me this?"

"Because if you're really going to like this man," Nikki huffed, starting up the car and blasting the heater. "You need to be patient with him. He's a sweet guy, he just is dealing with a lot on his plate at the moment."

Nikki turned to me and smiled.

"You're good for him, Slash."

I grinned, wiping away the tears I didn't know where pouring out of my eyes. We head home, through the traffic, playing The Misfits on Nikki's spotify. I fell asleep.


Axl's POV

*1 year ago*

"YOU DID IT AGAIN, YOU NAUGHTY FUCKER!" Vince was screaming, I was crying, Tommy was in the corner smoking weed. There were a couple other guys in the room too, but I didn't know them. "YOU SPENT MORE DAMN MONEY!!"

"I-I'm sorry!!" I cried, curling up on the hardwood floor of someone's house. "I didn't mean it!"

"You bitch! Spending all my goddamn money on more drugs than we need!!" Vince shouted, kicking me in the side. His boot collided with my rib and I heard a crack, winching and curling up tighter. "Because of you, I'm going to be broke! Worthless-"

He kicked me.


He punched me.

"Piece of-" 

He spit on me.


He stepped on my chest, pushing the air out of my lungs.


With one last kick in the face, blood gushing out of my nose, he stopped. He stopped and he looked at me, just staring at me.

"Get the fuck out." He shouted, but not to me. Vince motioned for the people in the room to leave and they did so, obeying his commands. He then picked me up like a ragdoll, hauling me into his bedroom.

"Vince, no... Please..." I croaked out as I saw the handcuffs and whips. He throws me onto the bed, the bruises and cuts hurt like hell as I collided with the mattress. 

"Take your fucking clothes off, now." Vince growled, stripping quickly and stroking his hard member. I cried, cried so hard. "Now." He repeated. 

I hesitantly took off my clothes, slowly from the pain all around me, my sobs making it harder to slip off my shirt. He turned me around, then fucked me until I couldn't walk without my consent. He did this for weeks. He did this for months. It wouldn't stop. He wouldn't stop.

I cried.


Slash's POV

I tried calling Axl when I woke up in the morning, trying to figure out if we could make plans and go to the movies, but he didn't pick up.

Don't worry, he's fine. I think to myself, throwing my phone to the side with a sigh and flopping back into bed. I didn't have work today which meant I could do whatever for a while. 

Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see him. His smile, his hair, his lips. He kissed me. And I liked it. 

I took a quick shower, singing 'Hells Bells' by AC/DC and put on a huge fucking performance for my audience, the soap bottles, then dried off and got dressed. 

For my day off, I decided to just chill at my house. I made myself coffee, got one of my ball pythons and used it as a scarf, then grabbed a Stephen King book, feeling the cold scales curl up around me. 

That's when Axl called me.

My phone, resting on the coffee table next to me, buzzed violently and showed "Axl Rose" on the screen. I picked it up, dropping my book and calming my snake as I pressed receive.

"Axl?" I said, even though I already knew it was him. He was breathing rapidly, voice scared and afraid.

"S-Slash, I need you to come-" He cut off with a sob. Immediately I sprang up, setting my snake in one of the cages and grabbed my keys, running down the apartment stairs and to my car.

"Axl! What's wrong?" I shout into my phone, starting the engine and waiting for further instructions. "Axl, speak up."

"Come to-to my house. I need-want.... He h-h-hurt me again." Axl's stuttering voice cried into the receiver, hurting my ears a little as I pulled away and pressed 'speaker'.

"You're on speaker. Give me directions, now." I tried to stay calm, it wouldn't help if both of us were freaking out. "Are you okay? Are you at your house?"

"I'm at... I'm at my h-house." He sniffed, taking deep breaths into the phone, trying to calm his rapid breathing. "My address.... it-its two houses to-to the right of Nikki's."

"Good." I sigh, backing up and heading to Nikki's. "Good, good, I know where that is."

"H-Hurry, Slash." His voice was small and scared. "I n-need you."



I feel bad because I'm leaving y'all for a week teehee on a cliff hanger whoops. This is just a chapter kinda giving a background on Axl in the story. 

I always want to add a disclaimer that I LOVE VINCE NEIL!!!!! He is a really cool guy and I adore Motley Crue, I just needed a bad guy and I already wanted to add Crue into this and I remembered Axl and Vince don't really get along. Don't take any of the stuff in this book too serious, I absolutely love Vince!!

Mk I'm off to Canada, wish me luck. 

BTW Def Leppard is coming out with a small documentary, like, YES???!?!! I'M SO EXCITED OKAY BYE


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