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Slash's POV

Thank God I didn't get pulled over.

I was at least speeding 20 over the limit. I couldn't help it. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, my teeth were clenched, veins pumping with adrenaline.

"Get to my apartment now!"

Nikki's words replayed in my head like a broken record. All the worse possible things that could happen at that moment in time flashed before me as I drove fast, foot pressed hard on the gas.

What happened that got Nikki so worked up?

I didn't know. That scared me.

My wheels screeched to a halt as I slammed on the breaks in front of Nikki's apartment. My hands were trembling when I yanked the keys out of the car, unbuckled, slammed the car door, then ran up to Nikki's door, knocking frantically.

The man answered as soon as my knuckles rapped the wooden door. His eyes looked red, his bottom lip trembled. 

"Slash-" He started to say, then cut himself off by engulfing me in a tight hug. "A-Axl-"

"What? What happened to Axl!?"


Third person POV

Nikki stood their in silence, biting his tongue.

"TELL ME!" Slash screamed, eyes watering. "What happened to my boyfriend!?"

"The hospital." Nikki whispered, barely audable at first. "He's at the hospital."

Slash's eyes widened and his throat swelled with anxiety. Then it turned to anger.

"Then what the hell are we doing standing here! Why didn't you just meet me there! Why am I here and not with Axl! Why-"

"Shut up!" 

Nikki's face was red, he grabbed a jacket next to the coat rack at the entrance to his house, grabbed his keys, then pushed past the flustered Slash.

"Don't get pissed at me. I knew if I told you he was at the hospital you surly would have gotten in a crash or something. That's why I'm driving us. It's not far. Now get in the fucking car."

Slash nodded, mute at his friends outburst. They were both distressed, reasonable emotions were out the window.

They both frantically got in Nikki's car, and sped off.


"So Vince and Tommy burnt his place down with him inside? Did he get burned? Is he okay?" Slashes anxiety radiated through out the car as his mouth rambled every little question that popped in his head at that moment.

"I don't know!" Nikki snapped. "I don't know if he's burnt, if he breathed in too much smoke, I don't know if he's..." 

Slash bit the skin off the bottom of his lip. His left leg bounced up and down. His pointer finger dug the skin of his thumb. All his bad, nervous ticks came out at once as he pictured his poor baby in the hospital. 

"We're here." 

They both got out in silence, running to the entrance and pushed open the doors, greeted with white walls and too bright of lights. 

"Hello, how can I-" The lady at the front desk began.

"Axl Rose!" Slash said, slamming his hands on the smooth granate desktop. "W-William."

"I believe he's in room 26, but they won't allowed visitors in at this time-"

"We're family." Nikki butted in. He didn't wait for the ladies approval, just grabbed Slash by the arm, then dragged him down the hallway all the way to room 26.

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