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"dan, it's your turn to present."

the scrawny boy who sat at the back of the room sighed heavily. he hated presentation days. danny walked to the front of the room with a paper in hand. he had been assigned to do a report on a film he really liked.

the boy cleared his throat, a little too loud, before reading his paper to the class with no emotion.

"so I did my paper on the last unicorn. blah blah blah, it's pretty self explanatory." he crossed his arm and threw his head back.

"that's my report, thanks I guess." a few students giggled and some weren't even paying attention. a boy with brown hair, who had it pulled back into a perfect bun, was one of the people who laughed at dan's presentation.

the teacher sighed, giving a small rub to her temple.

"sit down dan." and he did, with a smirk on his face.

the class continued with other people coming up to share what they've written about. danny was bored the whole time. he didn't know anyone in his class since he hated talking to people. he did, however, find one particular boy really cute. he had been watching him for a while. the boy was fascinating. he drew beautifully, had a perfect smile, and was one of the top runners in their schools track and field team. but then there was a problem. one problem dan didn't know how to approach.

the boy he liked was a mute.

a/n: a new egobang fic! hope you guys like it!
-sweetie 💫

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