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a/n: sorry guys! I've been super busy, but here's an update! :)

ross doodled on his spanish worksheet. after what happened in the hallway made the rest of the day seem duller. arin was acting up ever since the day ross drove him home with dan in the car.

-1 hour earlier-

"arin? god, where are you?"  ross was checking each bathroom and empty classroom for any sign of his best friend. so far, there was no luck. he decided to check the locker rooms. ross remembered he found arin there when he just wanted to be alone.

he spedwalked to the locker rooms only to soon find out they were locked, both the girl and boys locker rooms. ross sighed.

where the hell is he?

he was about to give up, thinking his friend just didn't want to be found, when he spotted a pink dot on the field.

the blue eyed boy ran over to his friend.

arin was sitting on one of the bleachers, his hands closed as if he was holding something.

"arin? are you okay?" ross was breathing heavy but he needed to find out what was up. he was getting a little tired with having to guess what the problem was.

arin looked up at his friend. his eyes were dull and full of the word sorry. he opened his hands, a cigarette butt in one and a lighter in the other.

"why are you smoking? I thought you were against that." ross sat next to arin.

"because i heard it was supposed to calm you down. i'm starting to not care what happens to me. i don't care if I die from lung cancer or whatever."  arin had put the two items on his lap, staring at them the whole time.

"is, is your depression back?" ross's eyes were filled with worry.

"i don't know, maybe. it's going to sound horrible but dan made everything worse."  he looked down. now arin felt like a complete asshole.

"talk to him arin, he's not as bad as you think." ross put a hand on his shoulder. "why are you so convinced that he's bad?"

arin sighed. "i never told you did i?" 

ross cocked his head to the side. "what?"

the brunette gulped. this was something he has never told his best friend before. it was tough trying to sign it out.

he couldn't do it.

"i'm sorry ross, i can't"  arin got up, tears starting to form once again as he walked away. ross didn't want to chase after him. what was the point? if his friend was going to tell him he would have already.



"ross! please pay attention! how many times do i have to tell you?"

"i don't know, at least twice a day?" he smirked.

the teacher rolled her eyes, deciding to not look to her student anymore.

the blue eyed boy couldn't stand this class. he went to pull out his phone and saw he had gotten two messages. both from dan.

from: dan🌟

hey ross?

from: dan🌟

can i get arin's number? please

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