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dan was amazed that this boy would text him back. he was so high, his brain completely forgot about what happened an hour ago. he rubbed his eyes so hard he saw stars.

danny picked up his phone to reply back to arin.

to: 323)652-0109

uh, i didn't think you would respond

from: 323)652-0109

i had nothing else to do

to: arin💓

ouch, okay

to: arin💓

how are you?

from: arin💓

i'm okay, just finished some homework

from: arin💓

how are you?

are they really going to have a full conversation? are they going to become friends? is dan going to fall in love??

dan was way too high to form logical thoughts.

to: arin💓

i'm going to be honest, i'm super fuking high


arin looked at his screen wide-eyed. not only did dan smoke cigarettes, he also smoked weed.

to: danny💤

wow really. you a druggie or something?

arin giggled loudly, suddenly stopping when he thought it might have been a little mean.

to: danny💤

i'm kidding hahaha..

from: danny💤

lol okay arin, tbh i am

to: danny💤

so funny. ha ha

from: danny💤

i can hear the sarcasm from here

from: danny💤

what makes you think im a druggie tho

arin frowned. he knew he struck a nerve with that comment.

to: danny💤

haha what, it was a joke

to: danny💤

i didn't mean to offend you


to: arin💓

you didn't offend me

to: arin💓

i'll tell you this, i used to be in rehab. but shhhh it's a secret

what is he doing? dan never told anyone this. the only people who knew were his parents. he didn't even think twice about that message. how high is he?

will arin think differently of him?

to: arin💓

jeez I probably shouldn't have said that....well. i guess if we want to be friends then I should tell you something deep right? is that how friends work?

read 6:31 pm

to: arin💓


read 6:38 pm

to: arin💔


read 6:40 pm


arin woke up late that morning. thinking about dan all night made him sleep late and right through his alarm. he had woken up so late that he didn't have time to pick a cute outfit. arin left with a hoodie and jeans, his hair tied back into a ponytail.

he barley reached the school in time. only a few people were in the halls when he got there. arin wondered if dan was here. he felt super bad about last night, he had no idea how to respond. danny told him something personal and instead of comforting him he just left. arin frowned.

why does he care? dan isn't that special, he's just some, junkie. but he seems so nice now.

no. arin can't be thinking this. not again. he sighed as he entered his class.


"arin! hey!"


arin put up a smile, he knew who was behind him. he waved, but in his mind he said "hey dan."

dan came up to him. he seemed happy, like the texts from last night didn't even happen. did he remember? or is he faking being happy?

"hey so, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" arin gulped.

"look, you don't have to say yes. just know that i'm not that bad of a guy." dan had that look on his face like a child asking his mother if he can go outside with his friends. that made arin feel bad.

he nodded.

a/n: this is short chapter I know. the next one will be longer I promise!

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