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arin💫✨ is calling...

"hello? arin are you okay?" ross was in bed, his laptop on his lap.

"sorry ross. i just, have something to tell you." the blue eyed boy rubbed his eyes.

"arin, can't it wait? it's almost two in the morning."

arin looked at his laptops clock wide eyed. fuck it's that late already?

"yeah, sorry. i'll just tell you tomorrow, meet me in the library as early as you can."

"no problem bud. see ya, night."



ross got up in a hurry, even though he was awoken at two in the morning with three hours left before school.

his outfit was not coordinated, his shoes were untied and his hair was a mess. it didn't matter thought. whatever his best friend had to tell him must be important.

the boy got to school a little earlier than usual. it was 6:30 when he got there. arin had told him to meet him in the library. ross got there and found his friend already sitting down on a chair. it was empty, only the librarian was there.

ross walked over, noticing just how nervous he was. his knee was bouncing quickly and his hands were clasped together tightly.

"arin?" he looked up. his eyes wide. arin gestured for ross to sit down.

"what do you need to tell me?"

the brunette took a deep breath.

"so, you know how i've been weird since dan started talking to us?"

ross nodded.

"well there's a reason to that. you see, i knew dan. a long time ago."

"what? but, how could you know him? he moved to this school last year."

"i know. before dan moved i knew him. he used to go to the same church as us and i kinda developed a crush on him. he was one of those bad boys and i liked it."

this was the part that arin was dreading. ross reached over and grabbed his friends hand. he sighed.

"one day there was this party. we were both sophomores and i wanted to tell him how i felt."


"well, hi dan. it's nice to meet you." arin smiled. he couldn't believe the guy he had a crush on is talking to him. it might be bad to talk to him while he's drunk though. arin shrugged. what's the worst that can happen?

"hey, this might be sudden but, you wanna go upstairs and have some fun?" danny put a hand on the smaller boys waist.

"uh, look i like you, but if you like me too then don't you think we should take this slow?" arin backed away, only causing dan to wrap his arms around him.

"i know who you are. you're that fem boy from church. how are you not kicked out yet?" arin frowned. was this the guy he had a crush on? why is he so mean?

he's just drunk. arin thought.

"well, i guess you know that i like you now."

danny smirked.

"it's kinda obvious. i see you at church pretty thing."

"don't call me that please. it's making me uncomfortable." arin wanted to get away. this wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"ah c'mon baby, i'm complimenting you." danny's breath was hot on his face. it made arin feel disgusting.

"i'm just gonna go, if you remember me then you'll find me." arin felt disappointed. this was his crush. he had been wanting this for almost a year.

"oh no you don't, i'm not letting you go anywhere." dan grabbed ahold of arin's hand. "i've been admiring you since i seen you. i don't think i would be able to do this if i was sober." and then dan kissed him.

arin kept his eyes closed. he felt trapped. but this was what he wanted right? dan is right in front of him, kissing him on the mouth. but why didn't this feel right?

the brunette tried to push the other guy off, but dan was too strong.

"dan! please get off, you're hurting me!"

arin was struggling under his crush.

"i thought this was what you wanted." dan was starting to get angry.

"well, yes but-"

"then we can do this. i'll make you feel good baby." his kisses traveled down to arin's neck.

arin felt disgusting, this wasn't what he wanted. but this is his crush. isn't he supposed to want it?


ross stared at his best friend in stunned silence. dan was the one that made him this way? suddenly ross got angry.

"where the hell is he. i'm going to kick his fucking ass!" he clenched his fists tightly. "no fucking way some asshole is getting away with that."

arin shook his head.

"how does he not remember? was he really that fucked up?" arin had never seen ross this mad before. he had to do something. he waved his hand in front of his face.

"no ross. dan was in a car accident after what happened. he tried driving home but crashed and woke up with amnesia. the church told us. they said he might not remember everyone there and they were right. he didn't remember me." that was about 2 years ago. arin was glad he never connected with dan again, but at the same time he regretted it. the dan he knows now is sweet and caring but he can't help but think that he's actually that same asshole.

"i'm so sorry that happened arin. i can't say that i know what you went through because that never happened to me. but if you need something just tell me. okay?" ross had calmed down. he rather make sure his friend is alright, then maybe when arin wasn't around he would slap dan.


"danny! get up for school!"

knock knock knock

"dan, c'mon!"

knock knock knock

"i'm counting to three before I open this door daniel."




"i'm up mom! i'm up." danny groaned. the one day his mother makes him get up for school. he didn't want to go today. he had visited brian again in the middle of the night, but left with a sore back and a blackeye. brian always liked to be rough.

"i'm still coming in."

"no wai-" but his mom opened it already and she got a good look of dan's eye.

"oh, honey. what happened?" she ran up to her son, clutching his face like a lifeline.

"i'm sorry mom." he choked out. "i went to go see brian again, i had too much on my mind and-"

"don't you dare say sorry to me dan. me and your father told you never to go to that man again!" her face was full of disgust.

"i know mom! but it's so hard, i can't just quit from one day to another."

she sighed. "i love you dan, you know that. you can stay home hun. if you need anything just holler." she kissed danny on the forehead.

"thanks mom."

a/n: :000

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